Parenting Books
Does anyone have any recommendation for books re parenting in the toddler years? We have the Baby Book (Sears) and What to Expect in the Toddler Years (which is good...
Does anyone have any recommendation for books re parenting in the toddler years? We have the Baby Book (Sears) and What to Expect in the Toddler Years (which is good...
Hi, I just had a new baby (well, he's 8 months old now) and was wondering if the type of parenting style affects how your child grows up. What type of parenting styl...
I am being told I need parenting classes. Im not a bad mom. I don't hit my kids or anything like that, but becasue my son sometimes dosen't listen to me and sometimes...
I'm having a hard time finding an appropriate one in my community. I've been looking online, but a lot seem to be geared to wards new parents or parents with troubled...
I'm wondering if anyone knows of parenting classes offered to help with three year olds? I know I'm a good mom, but lately I feel like I'm running on an empty reserv...
Who the heck is this teenager living in my house. Texting, challenging and exhausting me every single conversation we have. Last year was easy...oh yeah...she was 1...
I just need some suggestions on some parenting books! My 2.5 year old daughter is starting to get a little out control! Nothing too crazy. Throwing temper tantrums, n...
Hi, I am a single Mom of 3 girls , ages 12 and up, looking for help and advise with raising them alone.I seem to know where I am lacking but having a hard time initia...
What are your favorite parenting books? I have read "Siblings without Rivalry" and "How to Talk so your kids will listen and listen so your kids will talk". But I h...
I am a grand mother... Looking for some help for my young daughter in law. Does anyone know of any Child care or parenting classes in the Carrollton area? She dose...