My 5 year old son has low muscle tone. He has difficulty walking and tires easily. He is getting too old and too heavy to carry and he can't walk more than a few feet...
My 6 year old daughter, whom I used to be very close with, is pushing me away and telling me she hates me, I'm the worst mommy in the universe, and just wants her Pap...
I need a little help. I have a 6 year old daughter who would much rather play by herself all the time. She says she has no friends at school but is friends witht he g...
Our 5 year old son is very strong willed and I can appreciate that but he seems to be more defiant the older he gets. He will scream "NO" or whatever else at myself o...
Help! Our son's doctor has recommened speech therapy for our 5 year old son who has some speech deficits. Much to our frustration the metro school distric acknowledg...
How do you handle it when your child refuses to eat the dinner fixed for the evening? He picks at his food for 15-20 minutes then says he's full, then 10 minutes lat...
My 6 year old son has been acting out in Kindergarden telling his teacher's he doesn't half to listen to them and just being very defiant, ADHD and ADD run's in our f...
I have seen some good responses to others on this site, so I thought I’d give it a try. I’m at a loss as to what to do with our daughter. She is a very smart and ...
My daughter is constantly anxious. She seems to worry about things that are way beyond her control, and way beyond the scope of things a 6-year-old should be worryin...
Hi! My son is turning 5 in two weeks. I am very concerned about his behavior. I am worried that he has some sort of anger or emotional disorder. He can be the swe...