Unfortunately, my daughter's therapist just left her practice to go back to teaching, but I can tell you who NOT to see if you toss me some names. We've been through quite a few.
I can give you some good tips otherwise, however.
-Look into the Feingold program. It was a lifesaver for us to remove certain foods from my daughter's diet and stop using household chemicals around her.
-Get her tested for strep (a rapid test, a 72 hour culture and ASO titers) or think about calling or seeing a PANDAS doctor, if she meets any of the criteria for this disorder. You can see the list of symptoms at www.webpediatrics.com, and I am happy to talk to you about this further (my daughter was diagnosed with this and treated successfully.)
Let me know if I can just be a support for you. I have found that it is hard for "outsiders" to understand that it's not your parenting causing the issue. I've had my daughter kick and bite me and try to run away and everyone thought it was lack of discipline, when really it was a neurological disorder she had. :( Trust your instincts and don't settle for anything less than the BEST, even if you have to go through a lot of doctors and therapists to get there.
If you're also looking for a neurologist, Dr. David Sperry at CDH is really great. He also has a sleep doctor in the office with him if you need that as well.
Let me know if there is ANYTHING I can do on my end, or answer any questions for you about anything.