Every now and then I read a post where over protection rules the roost. Whatever, as with any parenting choice it is your choice, only you, okay and your kids, have ...
I have a 21 year old.....that lies. She got in trouble at college and kicked out for stealing and then ying to the Dean of Students. Since it was a money issue...we...
I'm having an absolutely horrible time with my 9 year old son. Whenever his father isn't home (which is frequent, since he is a firefighter), my son either lavishes a...
Hello ladies.I need some advice about my marriage.I am very new at this and it is hard for me to put my buisness out there,but I have no clue how to handle this.Me an...
Ok I have an issue, my son started Day Camp on Monday and yesterday he was punched in the chest (my son is 6) by another boy in the 6 year old group who is twice the ...
Last week, I moved out of the house. My husband has been emotionally abusive and it's been really bad since our daughter was born 2 1/2 years ago. In his defense, I...
I just got into a huge argument with my husband about the damn holidays. Let me just say that for 6 years I've been having Christmas Eve at my house. We have two sma...
Trying to make a long story short....
My neice behaves horrible to my daugther. This has been going on for 3 years (my daughter is 3 and my neice is 4). She is ver...
Ok...so I'm embarrassed to actually ask this. Could I be pregnant? I have been pregnant before but concieved through IVF so EVERYTHING was so calculated and planned...
So here is my question or maybe I'm just looking to validate my position...............My co-worker came to me the last day of work before Christmas and said, "Oh I'm...