My 10 month old baby has just started crawling a little bit and standing on everything, including his crib. With his new found talent he has been refusing to sleep an...
My daughter is almost 16 months old. I want to nurse my daughter before bed and I want her to eat food and drink water and some type of milk a couple times maybe. And...
sorry if this is long winded but i am really in need of some advice. my son is 16 months and i want to start weening. he's on whole milk and regular food but i still...
Ever heard of this? Ever since my daughter was an infant she would soothe herself while she nursed by rubbing her fingers on my skin. This evolved over time to be mor...
Im writing to ask for wisdom and advice on how to wean my little toddler. We have been cutting down the nursing sessions to just before nap, before bed and 1...
I have an 11 month old daughter who will not sleep in her crib. We did the co-sleeping because I have been breastfeeding her, but am going to start weaning her after...
My son is now six months old and has yet to sleep through the night! I don't know what I'm doing wrong. He gets plenty to eat during the day. I've tried to feed him r...
just thought i would consolidate these 3 questions about my spirited 19 month old daughter in order to get feedback on any. thanks in advance.
1. my daughte...
I knew it was a bad habit when I started, but it got her to sleep quicker and that got me more sleep. Now I see the problem, she is 13 months old and i still have to ...
Hi-I need everyone's wisdom. I have co-slept with my son from about 6 to 20 months. I have loved it. I feel it is time to move on. He is a good sleeper and will s...