Nap & Bedtime: Playtex

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12 answers

HELP...I Need Sleep!!

My 7.5 month old baby boy is such a good boy, so happy and easy going... except at night, when he transforms into a wild cihld! If I'm lucky he will sleep for 2 hours during the day, whether it be all at once, or an hour morning nap around 10 am and an hour afternoon nap at 2 pm. He is ready to go to bed around 8 pm. Each night he usually wakes up AT LEAST twice, around 1 am and 4 am, and typically at 4 am he is ready to start his day. (I'm definitely not!) I've tried letting him cry it out but he can now stand up in his crib and his...

Ferber or Cry it Out

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41 answers

Do I Let My 10 Week Old CRY?

My daughter doesn't fall asleep on her own. I nurse her & since birth she has used me as a pacifier. Now that she is a bit older, I am wondering if I should let her cry a bit. I didn't let her cry before since she was so young. Right now her father and I disagree about letting her cry. He wants to let he for short intervals at a time to try & break her habit but I still think she is too young. When I have allowed him to let her cry for a bit, she is INSTANTLY hysterical. I don't know if she knows yet that if she cries we will come etc. She...

Night Waking & Crying

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42 answers

Playtex Drop-Ins System

With my 2 1/2 year old, we tried nearly every bottle on the market before he settled on the Avent bottles. They were great, but I'm thinking with the next one (due in a couple weeks), I would like to use the Playtex Drop-Ins. But my question is this... To those of you who have used these, how do you warm the milk or formula? Microwaving is always a no-no, and with the other bottles we've used, we heated the contents with a bottle warmer. These say not to put the bottle into a heat source. Do I have to heat it in a separate container...


Am I over Feeding??

My 6 wks old daughter is eating about 4oz. every 3 hours, but sometime after...