Nap & Bedtime: Graco

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16 answers

What Am I Doing Wrong Re: Sleep?!

I nursed my first baby into a deep sleep every time he woke up, and I ended up cosleeping for 2.5 years. I really have been trying a whole new approach with my second, now four months. I have a new house and accidentally bought the wrong kind of beds, so I can't safely cosleep anyway. I put him down drowsy, swaddled with a Woombie (it zips so it can't come undone) with a pacifier, and I have been trying to stick to a reasonable bedtime (whereas with my first I kept him up too late.) This baby goes to sleep easily, but for six weeks or...

Ferber or Cry it Out

See all 188 articles
27 answers

How Long to Let a Baby Cry?

Hello! My daughter is now 4 months old. She was a good sleeper as a newborn baby, however times have sure changed. It takes me about 3 hours each night to get her to sleep. I feed her, she falls asleep, I continue to rock her for about 20 minutes...I lay her down and if she's not up at that very moment when I lay her down, she is up within a couple minutes and we do this for a long time. Recently, she's been getting up 3 to 4 times a night and I have always said I'd never sleep with my kids, but I have been so extremely exhausted I have...

Night Waking & Crying

See all 122 articles
17 answers

CIO For Naps, but Not for Night Time

OK moms. Need some reassurance here. I have a 14 week old who is a horrible napper. We either co-sleep with her at night or she is in a bassinet in our room. I have no problem with that. She is also breast fed - which is also fine by me. BUT her short sporadic naps make me CRAZY. I do NOT want to wear her all day in a sling or baby carrier, so please do not suggest that. I am having back surgery in a couple of weeks, and will not be able to wear her. Besides with the co-sleeping and all the BF'g, I admit it! I want to put her down. I...


Which High Chair?

Hi moms! I am in the market for my baby's first high chair and I am having...

No Cry Sleep Solution

See all 33 articles
27 answers

How Long to Let a Baby Cry?

Hello! My daughter is now 4 months old. She was a good sleeper as a newborn baby, however times have sure changed. It takes me about 3 hours each night to get her to sleep. I feed her, she falls asleep, I continue to rock her for about 20 minutes...I lay her down and if she's not up at that very moment when I lay her down, she is up within a couple minutes and we do this for a long time. Recently, she's been getting up 3 to 4 times a night and I have always said I'd never sleep with my kids, but I have been so extremely exhausted I have...