Morning moms
We all know what type of children we have. I am aware that my son (4yrs 4months) is active, loves outdoors and his attention span is very short however ...
how many of your children have a television in their bedroom? and if they do how old were they when you put it in? does it get shut off at a certain time at night dur...
I just gave birth to my second son. I have a two year old boy who is helpful and loves his new brother very much. He has shown no signs of jealousy. I am on a 6 week ...
I have a 6 and a half year old that for the most part is a good kid. But she has one thing that challenges me. Whenever she asks to do something and I say no, she dec...
I am open to hearing anyone's advice. I have a 5 year old boy who has recently started "acting out" in school. He does his work (sometimes not to the best of his abil...
I'm sure this question has been asked before, but how do you deal with your child when he wants to come into your bed every night in the middle of the night?
This ...
Hi, I have a niece who is 10 years old and I feel she is a really bad influence on my 8 year old daughter and 4 year old son. She lives with my sister and my mom and ...
I currently live with my parents till the summer. My daughter is 6 and I honestly feel like she is addicted to food, she is (edit*)25 lbs overweight (shes on a weight...
I didn't mean to offend by stereo-typing, but when there is a misbehaving kid, what do you say? I used "trouble-maker" Sorry, yes, it's a stereo-type (my bad), but I ...
I was searching my daughter's room today with her and tried to find her lost wallet. She is 9 year old and has 2 siblings. When we searched her closet, i found a bunc...