Bunions & Corns: Hydrocortisone

Results 71-80 from 159 articles

Diaper Rash

E.G. asks from Houston

My 1 1/2 year old son has had a diaper rash around his genital area for about a month now. I have taken him to the Doctor and got a prescription ointmet finished it a...


Horrible Diaper Rash

T.H. asks from Topeka

My daughter who is one has a horrible diaper rash. She usually gets these when she is teething. It is so bad that it bleeds. I feel so bad for her. I have tried balme...


Relieving Itching with Eczema

S.S. asks from Killeen

My 28 month old son has had eczema since birth, I done tried all kinds of creams, steroids and liquids. He has severe itching, im wanting to know if there is any home...


Baby Has a Terrible Diaper Rash...

H.L. asks from Washington DC

I am wondering if anyone has a good cure for diaper rash. I am trying to allow my baby's bottom to get air, applying Balmex, and changing him frequently. I am seein...


Out of Control Diaper Rash

C.R. asks from Greensboro

My 10 month old son has a ridiculous diaper rash that doesn't seem to be getting any better. He has had a bad rash like this once before and his pediatrician prescrib...


Looking for a Shampoo for My Toddler with Ezcema

G.V. asks from Buffalo

My 24 month old daughter was diagnosed with ezcema about 9 months ago. She gets a rash on her face, which doesn't itch her at all. Her rear end and head itch her pr...


Yeast Infection Not Healing

E.M. asks from Norfolk

Has anyone dealt with a yeast infection on a baby boy? My almost 5 month old got one almost 3 weeks ago and it is just not clearing up. We used the prescribed medic...


Is It Eczema?

J.H. asks from Tulsa

My 7 month old has been having these dry, rough pinkish places come up like on his arm in the inside crease of his elbow and on his face. I know he suffers from aller...


Diaper Rash! Help!

J.B. asks from Cleveland

Hi: The craziest thing happened this weekend. My daughter was fine on Saturday morning and then, I changed her before her nap and noticed a super-red diaper rash tha...


Baby Eczema Keeps Coming Back with a Vengence. Help!

N.F. asks from Reno

My baby has pretty severe eczema on her face! the doc told me to use Hydrocortizone for flare ups and keep her skin hydrated all the time. That is what we've been doi...