I did the duct tape on mine, and it would start to pull away the wart. I guess the idea is to have it fully out over time with the tape, but mine was the size of a quarter (a mosaic one) and too deep and painful to keep going. Whenever I'd use the tape on smaller plantar warts, it would work--but then another new wart would appear somewhere else!
I did TWO surgeries, both regular and laser. Freezing them is a joke, and so are OTC treatments. As a last resort, I did a nasty chemical treatment from a podiatrist that burned like crazy, and it still didn't work. I've seen at least five podiatrists...
Guess what finally worked for me? Banana peel! I almost did not believe it. But I rubbed banana peel (the inside mushy part) on my warts AFTER debriding them. It took all of three days for them to be gone from my feet! I had them there for over 15 years! I read about it online and tried it. You must emory board or shave down the wart first, otherwise it won't get through the callous.
So is it a happy ending? Sort of. After they left my feet, I noticed tiny flat warts appearing on my hands. Still, those are easier to handle than the honkers I had on my feet. Those things were painful to walk on, and I didn't know it until they were gone. I can go for pedicures now!