My grandson is not quite 3 months old, and we think he's teething already because he's drooling and trying to "swallow" the nipple from this bottle. Since it's been ...
I was wondering if anyone can give me any good tips about teething. My son is 5 months old and has started to cut teeth and he crys and crys 90% of the day the other ...
My one year old daughter is teething to the point where she wants to bite down on EVERYTHING, including tires on cars! I can only imagine how irritable she may feel....
I believe my 5 month old is teething as I have noticed him drooling, putting everything in his mouth, chewing, slight fever and crankiness...recently he has shown a l...
My son is 3 1/2 months old and keeps knawing on his thumb and fist. He is drooling alot. We just got over colic, but this crankiness is different than that with col...
Has anyone every tried Humphrey's Teething Pellets? If so, after dissolving the pellets in water, did you just rub them on your child's gums. I've only tried them twi...
My nine-month old daughter is teething and it seems she doesn't want to eat solids. She has only gained 3 oz. in the past 3 months and her doctor doesn't seemed worri...
Good morning all,
My 10-month old daughter is going through teething with her top teeth and I noticed that with the one that has broken through she is grinding it ...
Does anyone know anything else that will comfort a teething baby besides Orajel? My almost four month old daughter has teeth coming in at the back and the front of h...
My son has started teething and has all the signs and symptoms. I am wondering if anyone has tips for helping to make it more comfortable for him? He is fussier tha...