Is he using the right nipples for the bottles? My 4 month old has drooled every time it's time to switch to the next size. We're on size #3 now. Her 6 month old cousin did the same thing.
My grandson is not quite 3 months old, and we think he's teething already because he's drooling and trying to "swallow" the nipple from this bottle. Since it's been a while since I've had my daughter, what products out there really work and/or are there any home remedies we could do?
Is he using the right nipples for the bottles? My 4 month old has drooled every time it's time to switch to the next size. We're on size #3 now. Her 6 month old cousin did the same thing.
Hi, T..
Three words:
Hyland's Teething Tablets
Every parent I know has recommended them. I give these to my daughter, almost 11 months, whenever a new tooth is about to erupt and they work like a charm.
Hope this helps!
We used Hylands homeopathic teething tablets for babe and babe had his first tooth at 2 months and 2nd tooth at 3 months! (People didnt believe us until they saw babe at those ages and I showed them his teeth)
Theres a teething toy that I found in CVS that is rubber and vibrates when babe bites down on it. Babe loved it. He also loved to chew on cold wet washcloths from the fridge or freezer.
I used Hylands teething tablets they worked great. I also use the hylands sniffels and sneezes for colds. It really works and it is all natural. Good luck.
My son responds well to the Hyland's teething tablets. We put three under his tongue and he is almost instantly less fussy from teething. I've also heard good things about Chamomile liquid tubes that you can get at Henry's. As for the drool, my son has been a big drooler since he was three months old. He didn't get his first teeth until 7 1/2 months though. Just keep the drool wiped off his face as best as you can so he doesn't develop a rash. Good luck!
My daughter got her first two teeth while she was only two-months old. She still had her newborn tongue-thrust reflex and wouldn't chew on things yet, only lick. I put a baby toothbrush (the kind that fits over your finger) in ice water and massaged her gums when she was really uncomfortable and that helped. I also used Tylenol, Hyland's Teething Tablets and, when she was older, partially defrosted peas.
Cold cucumbers or frozen bananas to naw on.
A great natural remedy is cold baby carrots. Just make sure the pieces are big, so the baby doesn't choke. My baby loved this one!
Of all your responses, I don't think you need to hear it again, but the Hyland Homeopathic Teething Tablets are like magic pills! They dissolve in baby's mouth and within 1-2 minutes all fussing stops! You WILL NOT be disappointed!
ice cubes wrapped in a damp baby washcloth & frozen orange wedges (cut up, put in baggie in freezer) worked for my little guy (he's 11 now)....and i will be doing the same for my 4 month old girl soon, as she is a drooling machine (so i know it's coming!) tylenol at night time if the discomfort is keeping him awake
My son started teething (he's a drooling machine) around that age and just before he turned 6 months he cut his two lower teeth. He wasn't in any discomfort until about 2 days before the teeth "popped" out. If he's fussy, I use the Hyland's teething tablets and they seem to help him. I also keep about 3 "cool" teething toys in a ziplock bag in the fridge and pull that out when needed. However, when he's really hurting the best thing is an ice cube wrapped in a washcloth (dampen the washcloth lightly so they cold can come through). A few minutes gnawing on that and he's much, much happier. Good luck and congratulations on your new grandson!
I'm a third for the homeopathic teething tablets and tylenol only if it's bad. One other thing I will say, I heard that babies who sleep well tend to get through teething without too much trauma. And I would say it was true for my two babies. They both were/are good sleepers and they made it through teething without a whole lot of fuss. Though I think they each got tylenol a total of 2 or 3 times through the entire teething process. So, if possible, do all you can to see he is getting all the sleep he needs.
Hi T.!
My daughter loves when I freeze her pacifiers...just pop them in the freezer for 20 minutes!
Good luck!
I wanted to mention that infants at this age also drool because the excess saliva helps to mature the digestive system in preparation for solid food. My DS was born w/ two bumps on his lower jaw, from about 3 months on I though he was teething because he was fussy and drooled alot, he didn't actually cut teeth until he was 9 months, but I did read about the drool and digestive thing, if memory serves me it was "The Baby Book" by Dr. Sears that I got that info from.
Hello, T.,
Clove Oil worked very well for us. Put a little on your finger and rub into the gum area. It immediately relieved the pain and without the medicines and their toxic ingredients!
My very best,
We used Tylenol and Hyland Teething Tabs for both our daughters and they seem to work great! Cold (not frozen) teething tabs are good too! My daughters found comfort also in sucking/biting on the Tylenol bottles, the soft tip at the top. I would clean an empty one out and let them at it!
All the best,
My son is 16 weeks and started teething about 4 weeks ago. His symptoms were/are heavy drooling, watching me eat, trying to grab what I put into my mouth - but it will probably take about another month for his first tooth to break. Anyhow aside from Hylands homeopathic teething pills, we use homeopathic camomilla pills (similar to the hylands) and boiron camilia teething relief, which are liquid drops that come in individual servings. We found both at a nature health store and they work wonders. Best thing about homeopathic medicine is that you can never overdose. Best of luck!
My baby started teething around 3 months and sure enough her first tooth popped out at 4 months. We also used the tablets and they worked great. I found these u-shaped (gum shaped) pacifier-like teethers at Wal-mart that babies can chew on to relieve discomfort and help those pearly whites to break through. They come in 2 sizes and are hard to find in the baby section so make sure to ask an employee if you don't see them. Best of Luck!
Hiland's Homeopathic Teething Tablets are great. It's natural Chamomile and other things, I believe. Don't be fooled by the drool, though. Since babies don't know to swallow the extra saliva they produce, he may not be at the teething stage yet. Both of my daughters became incredibly drooly around 4 months old, but the older one didn't sprout her first tooth until she was a week shy of her first birthday. The second is nearly 6 months and she's still toothless too.
I just want to second what Michele said. Hylands teething tablets are homeopathic and work great, but on severe nights you can always cave to tylenol. My son got his first 2 teeth at 5 mo but was wroking on them a while before that. 3 months is a little young but not unheard of. Good luck. You can get the hylands tablets at the grocery store in the health food aisle or at target, walmart type places in the baby sections. Babies R Us also has them with the other baby medications.
Hi T.,
Hylands Teething Tablets - they are all natural and they work wonderfully. Orajel was too messy for us and nothing else seem to take the pain away except the tablets.
You can find them at Walmart (cheapest.) Or Target.
Good luck!
They have baby Orajel, but I have found that infant Tylenol has worked the best for my baby. The Orajel is instant relief, but the Tylenol lasts much longer. I usually both at the same time. :-)
Hyland's Teething Tablets work...don't know why, but they just do! You can find them with the baby stuff at any store.
My son was 3 mos when he started as well. I used Hylands Teething tablets and they seemed to work well. When it got really bad (if he seemed to be in a lot of pain) I would cave to the Tylenol.
Try Hylands teething pills. They work wonders!
I've used both Baby Orajel and teething tablets and found that the teething tablets were preferable to the Orajel. And my kids liked them better too.
I second (or third I didn't finish reading the responses) =)the teething tablets! They work wonders!
All my girlfriends and I laugh now because there was about a 3-4 month time period when we all said "oh, he/she is teething". And none of the babies were... maybe your grandson is just drooling and learning how to use those gums!!
But, maybe he is an early teether!
I liked using the little mesh thingies to put frozen food in for my daughter to mash up... but at 3 months I am not sure how much real food you should expose the baby to...
Good luck!
My daughter drooled and chewed everything for 3 months before she got her first tooth. But Hyland's teething tablets were a lifesaver. You can get them at most of the markets and drugstores now, but Whole Foods carries them regularly for sure. Good luck!