For the past 5 weeks I have had this uncomfortable pain in my left beast. Its not an intense pain but its very tender and very sensitive. I have tried checking for lu...
Hi all! I'm about 15 weeks along with my third baby. I know, I should know what's going on by now..but I swear this one is completely different! Plus my last pregnanc...
I'm 19 weeks pregnant and currently am very sore on almost the entire right side of my body...starting at about my hip, groin, thigh, sciatic area, all the way down t...
i have my gallbladder surgery in june 6 and i have my follow up and everything is good i ask my doctor about a little pain in my rught side and he said is normal?
i ...
Well on top of my 11 year old son having brain surgery, which by the way we got home last Monday, I ended up being admitted to the hospital on Wed. for a bloodclot in...
Ever since I've given birth to my second baby, I can't sleep on my left side anymore. I turn over and feel a dull pain, sort of just like a discomfort. It's almost as...
I fractured my ribs last November, about 2 weeks before Thanksgiving. The severe pain lasted about 5 weeks then the pain gradually decreased. I have not had any pai...
After months of terrible stomach issues, weight loss and acid reflux my doctor is probably going to test me next for celiacs if my lactose intolerance test comes back...
Has anyone used or is using the Paraguard IUD (the copper one)? I previously used Mirena and had alot of negative side effects with it. I'm consindering using this ...
Okay so my side hurts really bad and it has just started hurting recently. Especially when my 2 week-old nurses! Is this common for mothers after pregnancy? Please he...