
Related Questions & Answers

Results 61-70 from 799 articles

Family Chiropractor

L.L. asks from Phoenix

I am looking for a an amazing family chiropractor in gilbert, chandler or mesa. My son has ear infections, and took him to a chiropractor that was so rough, it scare...


Back Spasms and Vitamins

T.R. asks from Lakeland

I have got a back spasm that returned 3 times in the last 6 weeks. This last time was so bad it hurt to breath. I have heard that shortage of certain vitamins can at...


Has Anyone Tried 'Skechers Shape Up' Shoes? or the Like? for Exercise

J.J. asks from San Francisco

In my health mag. it mentions using these shoes which are supposed to 'sculpt every inch of your legs & strengthen you abs & back' Has anyone used or does anyone use...


Concussions and Chiropractic

C.L. asks from Minneapolis

Has anyone used a chiropractor to assess or treat a concussion? If so, how was your experience? My 12-year-old son suffered two sports-related concussions this wint...


For Years I Have Had Pain and Swelling at My Tailbone Area for Years the Pain

P.B. asks from Panama City

X-rays & MRI'S reveal nothing that would Warrenton such pain doctors say. However I feel they are not looking at the level were the pain is. My tailbone swells and hu...


Getting Rid of That Tummy

A.G. asks from Houston

well i wanna know briefly from some moms who have gotten back to their original prebirth weight(or close enough) what they did to get it back


Breast Ligament Pain

S.K. asks from Dallas

I just had my 2nd child a few months ago and ever since the last month or so of my pregnancy I've been having pain in my breasts. At first I thought it was my body p...


Dysplasia - How to Avoid Operation?

L.R. asks from Eugene

Dear friends, our 13 month old daughter has been suffering from hip dysplasia since last summer. After 6 months of using Pavlik Harness everything seemed to be fine, ...


My Son Is Starting to Slouch

M.M. asks from Los Angeles

He's almost 13 and I'm worried that his teen slouch will become a life-long pattern. It's so important to hold yourself tall, heart forward. How can I get him to p...

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Answer Highlights

  • calf muscles in 2 answers "I have MBTs, and I can definitely feel my calf muscles and hammies working harder ..."
  • massage therapist in 2 answers "You can try a really good chiropractor, an osteopath or massage therapist, or you ..."
  • physical therapist in 2 answers "Then a physical therapist noticed that he was walking weirdly, because his knee was ..."
  • bought a pair in 2 answers "I just bought a pair, at Macy's, this past week."
  • types of doctors in 2 answers "Try different types of doctors."