My husband and his cousin are very close...they may as well be brothers or best friends. When my husband finished school, we moved across the country for better job o...
So Meltdown Mondays are still in full force. Either Emmy falls asleep at 6pm for the whole night or meltdown at 6:30 or 7pm every monday because her dad lets the kid...
This is an odd request, but I thought someone might have some advice.
I am recently married and we are currently living with my in-laws while we save money to bu...
Hello all!
We've been increasingly having issues with DS, he'll be 4 in a few months, and has been potty trained during the day for quite some time now. However.....
Every year my new husband and step-daughter have spent Christmas Eve with his ex-wife (daughter's mom) and ex-wife's family (mom, dad, grandparents, some aunts & uncl...
Mamas & Papas-
DS is 2.5. Over the past 8 months or so, there have been windows where he showed a real interest in potty training, even took himself to the potty....
Hi Mommas-
I was 25 when my Mother passed away and I am 28 now. We are fast approaching the 3 year anniversary of her death and I feel like my emotional state and ...
I was a full time employee, part time parent for 11 years. I did accounting for a small business practically 50 hours a week. About a year ago, my son was having su...
I am trying to think of a way for my son to differentiate mom's home vs. dad's home and think of them both as his home. I don't know if it's possible for him to not ...
Ok obviously I am not sharing intimate details or anything like that. But I truly believe that I can play Barbie dolls with my daughter or pick up a video game with m...