Please help. My grandson is almost 3 months old and is super HOT natured. He cries in the car seat when he gets hot and will not sleep well if he is too hot at nigh...
well my son is 4month and 2weeks old and from day one his has been sleepingin in are bed i want to put him in his crib but i have a fear of him not being warm enough ...
My second baby will be born first week in Aug. My first was a Dec. baby and we swaddled her up in our drafty uninsulated beach house. However, now our drafty uninsu... I am hoping someone anyone can help me. My daughter is 2 years old. We have already started potty training, and she is wearing big girl panties. She wares the...
My one month old boy is always hot and sweating, especially when he is nursing or curled up on my chest asleep. I have taken his temp several times and he isn't runni...
My grandson picks at his diaper and puts little pieces he pulls off into his mouth. He is two years and 5 months old. Has anyone ever faced this problem? Does anyone ...
I know babies like to be swaddled and I know they can’t regulate their temperatures right away, but won’t a summer baby (due 6-20-07) get too hot if swaddled too ...
My 22 month old daughter takes her diaper off all the time. A have tried pull ups and she learned to take those off as well. Lately, I have been taping them on her bu...
My 19 month old is obsessed with taking off her clothes & diaper at home. I don't mind it, but it is a complete struggle trying to get her to put them back on, inclu...
My toddler is 2.5 year old and has learned how to take off the diaper he take off his diaper and use the poop as fingerprints so I need to watch him every second if n...