I kept them in one piece outfits until they stopped this. =P
My toddler is 2.5 year old and has learned how to take off the diaper he take off his diaper and use the poop as fingerprints so I need to watch him every second if not I ended cleaning the bedroom ?? Any ideas how to stop this ?? Thanks
I kept them in one piece outfits until they stopped this. =P
There was a question posted not too long ago, on the 2nd page, "Help! Terrible two's and poop"
You could go on to the other mom's question and see what answers you can find there too :)
Put him in a large onesie, and they generally dont mess with the snaps so they wont do this anymore.
Overalls was another good suggestion on the other page too.
I would start potty training. I would also get him real fingerpaints to use.
At home: zip-up pajamas. Cut off the feet and put them on backward. If he tries to undress, safety-pin the zipper up.
Do it long enough to break the habit. He'll eventually give up being fascinated with the poop and find something else to play with. And Peg's suggestion of fingerpaint is perfect.
In addition to the other suggestions, try giving your child fingerpaints to use. He'll probably prefer them. Don't give him too big a reaction to the poop painting, because he may be trying to get more of your attention. But at least a couple of times a day, offer him the cleaner, more colorful alternative.
Put him in onesies, his clothes on backwards (he's a toddler, no one will think anything of it) duct tape his diaper, give him fingerpaints and start potty training.
This question has been asked before if you want to check. common suggestions were: backwards and/or taped diaper, onsie, overall or other one piece outfit. Perhaps a blanket sleeper with feet cut off and on backwards (if you house is cool enough). Depends on how much of an escape artist your toddler is.
Maybe you can let him finger paint with actual finger paint under you supervision in bathtub or high chair tray. They also finger paint with shaving cream and food coloring in preschool but there are tons of possibilities.My 2.5 year old has been trying to finger paint with her food lately (ketchup and salad dressing are favorites).