Do you have any crock pot chili recipes that you have made and liked? Preferably something your kids have liked as well. I can look up recipes on line, but don't know...
Hi ladies,
My husband loves chili, but I've never made it before. This year we got a lot of great tomatoes, peppers and onions out of the garden, so I thought I'd ...
I'm in need of a recipe that hides the taste of green bell papers. I hate, hate, hate them. Thanks!
We get all our produce from a co-op. There were 4 bell pe...
I have a great garden this year, and have a TON of anaheim chili's. I think the best thing to do with them is to make chili relleno but have no idea how! I am a great...
Does anyone have a quick and easy recipe for chicken enchiladas? I have one for beef but it won't work the same for chicken. i have made them once before but can't ...
So we made a big batch of speghetti sauce last night in the slow cooker and it turned out really well but a tad too much chili peppers was added and even while eating...
I have a garden full of cayene peppers and jalepeno's. Does anyone have/or know how to store or can them? Or maybe some great receipes to use these up. Any ideas woul...