My grandson is 10, for the last several months now he will not spend the night anywhere, not my house, his friends house, no where. If his mom leaves and goes somewhe...
My oldest daughter is about to turn 10 years old next week. We have had several issues in the past with her taking the time to go to the bathroom - about 2 years ago...
My daughter will be 6 in September, she is at the very end of her Kindergarten year. She never had an accident in preschool or in Kindergarten until this past Friday...
When my son was potty training and for the following year (until he was 4 or so), he tended to be prone to accidents involving pee, both at home and at school. Then t...
Hello everyone,
My 28 month old is recovering from her 3rd UTI and has developed issues holding her urine (She's been potty trained for 5+ months). We've been to t...
So my 8 yr old son has had some tummy troubles lately. Today he is actually going to stay home from school because he is just having a bit of diarrhea. His stomach d...
My daughter is going to be 8 in about two weeks. About a week ago, she started to bleed but never heavy, with no symptons, discomfort, discharge, lesions that I can ...
My seven year old son has been complaining of stomach pain off and on for over two weeks now. We visited his pediatrician a week ago this past Monday and after an X-r...
I asked this qustions once befor but and still wanting more thoughts from you wise people. My son is 7 years old and still wetting the bed at night. He always has. He...
Hi All!
This has been ongoing for a year now. Have been to the doctor and have had urine tests which came back clean. Then doctor advised to put her on a mild dose...