This was my diagnosis 36 years ago. I think most outgrow it but I have just had to adjust to having a real touchy bladder. When I have a bad year, it can be quite bad. Right now I have not had a UTI or a bout of what they call "spastic bladder" for 2 years (knock on wood).
My doctors are sooo hung up on meds and antibiotics. But I was fed up by my 30s. I am now very careful all the time (not just when it feels like a UTI might be brewing) about water intake, caffeine intake, citric intake, alcohol intake, cranberry juice (not cocktail - just don't even bother with that), mild soaps, cotton undies...I could go on! But my point is, the more knowledgeable I became and the more control I assumed for my own well being...The less I seem to be bothered with problems, doctors, and meds.