Nap & Bedtime: Toddler, First Response

Results 1-10 from 47 articles

Getting 2 Month Old to Sleep Through the Night

A.H. asks from New York

My 2-month old is still feeding every 3-4 hours at night and we are patiently waiting for him to stop the 3am feeding so that my husband and I can get more sleep! I ...


Trouble Getting Toddler to Stay in Toddler Bed to Sleep

K.G. asks from Tucson

My two year old son has begun sleeping in a toddler bed. The first few days went fine, but now, he gets up every night and crawls in bed with us. We put him back in...


Question About Letting Baby Cry Himself to Sleep

S.B. asks from Amarillo

My baby boy is 9 months old. He was breastfed but is now on solid food and drinks formula. He wakes up 1-2 times a night to drink formula and goes back to sleep. He ...


Putting Baby to Sleep Without Nursing

R.C. asks from Lafayette

Hi moms - I am looking for some advice regarding putting my 8 month old son to sleep, both for naps and for bed at night, without having to nurse him first. I made th...


My 4 Month Old Uses Me as a Pacifier and Can't Fall Asleep Without Nursing First

N.C. asks from Los Angeles

I need advice on how to deal with this. My 4 month old is successfully breastfeeding and we are not giving any formula. But since he was born, I always put him to sl...


My 3 Year Old Is Having a Hard Time Winding down at Night to Go to Sleep

K.W. asks from San Francisco

My regularly easy to put to bed 3 year old has become a TERROR to put to bed. All of his life, I have been blessed with a child who would walk to bed easily, lay down...


9-Month-Old Still Waking up Every 2-3 Hrs Every Night... HELP!

A.L. asks from San Francisco

My soon-to-be nine month old son is still waking up every 2 hours during the night. He wakes up screaming and the only way to get him to stop is by giving him his bot...


Help! My Dog Bit My Son

C.N. asks from Philadelphia

I considered myself "very meticulous" about watching my son around our dogs. We have 2 dogs - a 3yo black lab and a 2.5 year old lab mix. My son, who is 18 months, ...


Looking for Stories from Those of You Who Have Breastfed a Toddler

J.F. asks from New York

I am currently still very happily nursing my 18 month old - mostly morning, night time and nap, with occasional check ins when i have been away, for boo boos etc. he ...


Seeking Parenting Advice?

J.D. asks from Seattle

Hi, I have a 27 month old girl who just recently decided she does not want to go to bed. As soon as we lay her down she screams, kicks, jumps and yells and it goes o...