Nap & Bedtime: Infant

Results 41-50 from 8,020 articles


A.T. asks from Charleston

I have a 10 month old. When he was 3-4 months he slept all night long. Now hes up every two hours. I need some suggestions on how to get him to sleep all night long. ...


The Ferber Method

L.K. asks from San Francisco

Will The Ferber Method work on a 1 year old? My daughter wakes up at least 5 times a night and I am falling apart because of it. I waited a year to see if it would ...



T.C. asks from Dallas

I have a 3 month old daughter who just will not sleep at night. She will sleep from 9 pm to 1 am then wants to be held if you dont hold her she just cries, I have don...


Need Help with a Sleep Method or Book to Purchase for My Son

S.D. asks from Chicago

I desperately need advice from all you experienced Mom's on a good book to buy to create a sleepful night for my 5 month old son. We really have not focused on any s...



T.B. asks from Albuquerque

My almost 8 month old baby is exclusively breastfed. She slept through the night from 6 weeks until almost 5 months, and now she wakes up several times at night (usu...


Ferber Method

A.D. asks from Grand Junction

After co-sleeping with my son (15 mos.), I am trying to get him to sleep in his crib. I'm trying the Ferber method, but everytime I go in to soothe him (after him sc...


Ferber Method

C.M. asks from Janesville-Beloit

My son is 10 1/2 months and he always fights sleep. Now that he's crawling and pulling himself up, he's more interested in playing that sleeping. The few weeks he's...



T.S. asks from Yakima

HELP! The situation my daugther refuses to go to bed at night. My husband and I made the mistake of letting our daugther stay up late at night with us and then, she...



J.P. asks from Boston

Hi All, I just want some advice on putting my ninth old to bed. Up until 2 weeks ago I could put her in the crib with her blankie and binky and she would snuggl...


Cry It Out Method

N.C. asks from Seattle

We are on about day 12 of sleep training with our almost 6 month old daughter. I read the Sleep Easy Solution as a guide, which is basically very similar to the "Fer...