Hello A., I just posted this response to another mom who had a similiar question also. My pediatrician told me that babies go through certain age transitions, where they will sleep through the night, and then they hit certain ages, and they dont. My daughter is 2, and she went through 2 or 3 transitions like this. I suggest getting your child into a nightly routine. That has helped my daughter greatly. I tell her its time to get ready for bed, and she goes to her room. We change her diaper, put night time lotion on (the lavendar calming really helps), put on her pajamas, read the same two books every night, then tell daddy night night, and get her cup. I have found that by doing the same routine every night, she realizes its time to go to sleep, and started staying asleep. The lavendar calming lotion is cheap and you can even get the off brand. It really helps relax them, and helps them get sleepy. Good luck!