Illnesses: Baby Bjorn

Results 11-20 from 263 articles

Baby Who Refuses to Be Put Down!

G.T. asks from Boston

OK, so I have a newborn - almost 4 weeks old who loves to be held - of course! and I love holding her. I try to hold her as much as I can as I believe all babies need...


Baby Cries Any Time She Isn't Being Held!!!!

S.B. asks from Dallas

My daughter turned four months old yesterday. Since day 1 of bringing her home she has cried unless she is asleep or being held. And lately it's getting worse, she ...


3 Month Old Will Only Sleep in My Arms

L.B. asks from Portland

I have an adorable 3 month old little girl who refuses to sleep anywhere but on me. My first daughter was like clockwork - napped in her crib at 10AM and 2PM and went...


At the End of My Rope with Naps and Bedtime. I Am LOSING It!

G.M. asks from Boston

Does anyone know of someone I can hire for sleep training? I can't afford it, but I NEED it. My 17 week old actually sleeps through the night (knock on wood) but refu...


SBS - Should I Have Said Something? (Kinda Long...)

M.P. asks from Green Bay

So today I went to the YMCA. Walking up the stairs to where the aerobic room is, I saw a woman on an elliptical with her baby ("older" infant - maybe 6 mo?) strapped...


My Little Girl Will Not Stop Whining

K.A. asks from Minneapolis

My little girl is now 6 1/2 months old. She is healthy. She is not a good sleeper. She is a great eater. She is only happy when being held. At her 4 month visit, ...


Motherly Advise

B.M. asks from Honolulu

So I have a 9month old beautiful baby girl, Sometimes she is so good andw ill paly on her own with her toyss, and other times she wants to be attached to my every mov...


People Touching Baby

J.R. asks from San Diego

I'm not a germaphobe by any means, but in the past week I've started to get a little freaked out about people asking to or letting their children touch my three-month...


Help! I Have a Child That Wants Be Held All All the Time.

T. asks from Phoenix

I have a 6 months old son that wants to be held all the time. Until about 2 weeks ago when he contracted the stomach flu and was held pretty much all day for 3 days s...


Dont Know What to Do

K.T. asks from Washington DC

My son is 3 months old. Just recently he gets into the crying spells. He cries for what i believe is nothin. Nothing soothes him. I try everything. Im thinking he is ...