Egg: Toddler, Epi Pen

Results 21-30 from 278 articles

Dr Says 3 Yr Old Is Allergic to Milk, Peanuts and Egg

S.J. asks from San Francisco

Hi, My son has been eating peanut butter crackers and other items with Peanut butter and has had no problem. My sons dr did some allergy test which came back Milk, P...


Peanut Allergy?

L.L. asks from Hartford

My friend just found out her son may have a peanut allergy. The boy is almost 5 and has eaten many peanut products and peanut butter through out his life. Does it jus...


Peanut Allergy

S.L. asks from Washington DC

I just found out that my 14 month old is allergic to peanuts. He had a blood test to determine why his nose was always running and what it was that he was allergic t...


Cashew Allergy

A.C. asks from Houston

Any moms out there experienced with cashew allergies? I've read some stuff that indicates a cashew allergy can be linked to a more severe reaction to poison ivy. I su...


My Neighbors Son Is NOT Allergic to Peanuts, But....

G.T. asks from Rochester

My neighbors son is NOT allergic to peanuts. But a new boy that moved here about a month ago and was put in his kindergarten class is. There are 4 different kindergar...


Peanut Allergy

N.G. asks from Chicago

My 4 year old daughter was just diagnosed with a peanut allergy, amongst other things. Any advice from you moms with kids in the same situation?


Peanut Allergy

C.C. asks from Dallas

I just found out that my daughter is allergic to peanuts. She is a 3 on a rating scale of 1 being mild and 6 being horrible. I don't know much about this bc no one ...


Peanut Allergy

K.N. asks from Chicago

My pediatrician gave the okay to give my 1 year old son peanut butter since we have no case of allergies in the family. I gave my son a very small amount on a cracker...


10-Month-Old Allergic to Milk

C.M. asks from New York

Hi There, My 10-Month-Old is allergic to milk. Any advice on what I should try? Thanks!


Excema = Allergy?

E. asks from Detroit

Does Excema ALWAYS mean there is an allergy? My son is 6 months old and has had bad excema since about 2 months. Under my ped's advice, I use Cortisone and Aquaphor, ...