Hi N. - fire off some questions! I'd be happy to answer. We are dealing with loads of allergies.. peanuts for both kids, dairy, eggs, etc... . You might find a lot of comfort in the terrickidsfa yahoo group. You will be slammed with e-mails but, it is a great resource!
Definitely create an action plan for yourself and for teachers. If you eat out very often, I found it handy to have a card made up with my kids pictures on them and all of the food allergies to give to the chef. I think you can make one through http://www.aafa.org/ in English and in Spanish.
We have been in the ER 5 x this year.. and I am still not comfortable with the epi-pen! I would recommend practicing with the practice one and then when you have expired epis, practice on fruit. If you have an idea of what you will do when a crisis hits, it is much easier. I tend to panick like most moms do I think. Have phone numbers for Drs, yourself, etc.. posted on the fridge in case you have a sitter or for yourself. AAFA offers free medic alert bracelets through medic alert. I highly recommend getting one.
I could write a book here.. feel free to use me as a resource. Peanuts are a fairly common and easy allergy to manage since it is a very common allergy. Although you will find that a lot of people simply don't get it. I hope that helps!