Development: Epi

4 answers

Possible Peanut or Egg Allergy?

Good morning! So, since moving here to VA in January (11 months ago) my 6 year old daughter has developed some allergies. The first one that she had a reaction to was ibuprofen. We saw an allergist and after skin testing she is also allergic to dogs (never would have thought that, we don't have any pets), grass, and fall weeds. A little over a week ago she broke out in a itchy rough little bump rash all over her tummy, back and arms, plus random hives on her legs and neck. I took her back to the allergist and he didn't do any skin testing...


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32 answers

Shaving Your Legs

How often do you ladies shave your legs? I just shaved mine last night for the first time in...let's just say too long. I've never been big on shaving legs, it just doesn't bother me. I do always shave my legs when I wear skirts or shorts but I wear pants mostly because of my job. Another reason is I get razor burn ALOT. I can use an awesome 5 blade razor maybe 2 or 3 times before I start getting razor burn with it. -- I usually get a new razor, then shave a few times then after the razor burn comes I stop, hence my leg hairs get long-- . I...


I Am Nervous!

Hey mamas, 1 week from today I am going in to have my baby girl by csection...