My daughter in law had labor induced in August. She did not experience any greater labor pains or greater pain in general. Everything went just fine.
L. K.
My first son was a natural birth and about two hours from 4cm to birth...and I do mean no drugs or anything involved, but I'm schedlued to be induced with my second at 38 weeks if the baby doesn't come on his own. I've heard inducing causes more painful and intense contractions. Anyone experience this?
Thanks for sharing your stories....He came on his own at 37 weeks!
My daughter in law had labor induced in August. She did not experience any greater labor pains or greater pain in general. Everything went just fine.
L. K.
I have three boys two of whom were induced. The labor is not affected by inducing itself. The reason some induced labors are more intense is if the contractions are not strong enough pitocin is often given to increase the strength which then can result in stronger than usual contractions. I did have pitocin for one birth but didn't notice much of a difference. I would google pitocin for more information.
Yes and no-- with my first baby- I was induced and the pain was intense- but I had mostly back labor. My second one was induced- but only after I got to 4cm on my own- not nearly as painful as my first one- it was like my body remembered what to do. Good Luck!
I've had 3. My first came on her on, but both my boys were stubborn and had to be induced. I didn't notice more pain with the induction. It's a baby coming it, it's gonna hurt that's why they have epidurals. (1 birth with 2 without) I don't think you have anything to worry about. They have made so many advances in labor delivery. If you did fine with your first, I don't think this one will be any different. Good luck!
Hi my name is E. I had my first child with the help of induction and no meds either and my second child all natural too with no induction. I have to say with being induced it limited my mobility. All but one nurse made me stay in the bed the whole time because of all the things I was hooked up to, but he was out in like 3 pushes and it wasn't that bad. With my daughter I wasn't induced and did the whole labor in the tub but when it came time to push it seemed like it took a lot longer and felt (from what I can remember) worse. Both my labors were only 6 hours though so I guess it didn't take any longer. I don't really have any advice but have experienced this. So just wanted to put my 2 cents in. Keep in mind though there are natural ways of induction but I would talk to your ob dr. first to see what he or she says about that. I had a midwife and she said walking and sex but you know how the second one is when your 9 mos pregnant. ha Good luck
I was induced with all three for different reasons. The first was not suppose to be induced, but she was early and I was bleeding so first they tried to stop labor. Well then my water broke and they had to give me pitocin to conter effect whatever meds they had given me to stop the labor earlier. That was a painful, LONG. labor, and I was sure that child was never going to get out of there!! She did, and in turns out she was huge, alomost 10 pounds. So the second time I was induced to prevent another huge baby and in turns out that he was not so big but very LONG, 7.11 pounds but 26 inches long. Baby 3 was breech so they turned him and induced to prevent him form turning again on his own, some complications and emergency C section saved his life! So basically I am saying that labor is painful and worth every pain, but the choice is yours and the Drs. If the first was fast odd are this one will be faster, each one seems to get faster then the last, and inducing also gives you a chance to have arrangments for the big sibling and less chaos. Good luck and God be with you.
Hello I was induced at 38 weeks and I would have to say that the contractions come so quick and hard. I was trying so hard to have a natural birth but becuase I could not get a break inbetween the contraction I opted for an Epidural. Now on a side note I delivered very fast. start to finish was only about 10 hours and only 5 of those were active. I went from 4cm to full in 2 hours. I had to be induced because it was best for my son, so I went for what would be the safest and best for him, even though it ment throughing my birth plan out the window, but i adapted and came up with a new one and it went great. Good luck to you and feel free to write if you have any questions.
YES, it stinks. :-) I was supposed to go natural, but had to be induced. I resisted an epidural, but after being on Pitocin for 7 hours and no baby, I asked for one. It was truly beautiful. Baby came in 2 restful hours. No bad effects from epidural at all.
I had induced labor the first time and it was absolutely miserable. The pain is more intense. I would find out exactly why they want to induce two weeks early. The bad part about induced labor is you go from no pain to extreme pain in seconds. It is hard to prepare for because it goes so fast. It is possible to go without pain drugs but it is intense pain. At least it was in my case. If you do pain medicine I would suggest an epidural because the other pain medicine just puts you to sleep until the worst pain and then you wake up ready to scream and when the contraction eases you go back to sleep. That was the worst.
I was induced with my son. I am a wimp when it comes to pain but I made it to 7cm before asking for an epidural. The only reason I asked for one is because I asked for state-all (however that is spelled) once, because the nurse kept uping my patossin, even when she gave me the medicine, which was cancelling out the pain medication. I believe that if she hadn't kept uping it, unneccesarily, I would have made it all the way naturally. I was progressing just fine according to one nurse so that's why I say it wasn't neccesary. But all in all I would say it wasn't as painful as I thought it would be and I made it alot farther than I ever would have thought I could. I hope to be induced with my 2nd child. And as I'm sure you know with your first, as soon as they are out, all the pain is forgotten and you are just so focused on your new bundle of joy. :)
why the induction so early? I personally wouldn't be comfortable with that. IMO babies come when they are ready.
My sis was induced. I do think here contractions were harder than mine..but it is hard to say when looking at someone else. I had all three of mine w/o meds.
I was induced with my son and then 11 years later all natural with my daughter. Being induced was awful. I went from no contractions to almost immediate, intense ones and there didn't seem to be breaks between them. I almost immediately began to scream for drugs and then eventually an epidural.
I don't understand why you aren't able to go the full 40 weeks though? My son was a week and a half early, my daughter was 6 days early.
I'd suggest to get things moving yourself (and this may sound funny) but A LOT of sex and sexual foreplay. I swear this is what made my labor easier. I stayed home until my contractions were about 10 minutes apart and was only at the hospital for about 2 hours, 47 minutes before she was born. Things progressed very quickly. And we "excercised" quite a bit in the months before.
I was induced early . I could feel a little bit of the contractions. They were a little intense, but i than had the epidural given. They had to give it to me twice. After that I started progressing really fast. I was only 6 hours in labor. The funny thing about this, my doctor was asleep in the hospital. The nurses had to wake him up. The only pain i had after taking the epidural was an intense pain in my right leg, but they said it was because of the nerves being pressed on. So pretty much I had an easy labor. I think i was only in the hospital for two days.
I too did it totally natural but at almost 41 weeks, my doctor insisted upon breaking my water. Because I didn't have the cushion of the water bag during labor (I think they call it "dry" labor) the contractions were intense, to say the least. Drugs that induce labor, I have heard, do tend to make labor harder. I would say, if natural is important to you, insist they hold off. After my water was broken, I had plenty intense contractions without Pitocin and I was really glad that I insisted they wait to see if natural contractions were enough. Hope this helps, good luck! M.
Hi B.:
When I had my oldest child, I was 10 days over due and still hadn't effaced or dilated. My doctor had to use that gel on my cervix to help move things along. Being that it was my first child, I didn't really know if it made labor worse (I know now it did). But I had her naturally, no pain meds. I also went natural with my son (2nd child), but I wasn't induced with him. With my 3rd child, I had to be induced using Pitocin and I must say that made the contractions MUCH worse. They came on much harder and faster than the other two. I opted for an epidural with her because of several different things that were going on. I wasn't sure about having one, but it made a world of a difference. I was actually able to enjoy the labor; as much as you could enjoy it anyway. You can still play it by ear. Even if you're induced, you still have time to decide whether you want pain meds or not. I had the epidural about 45 minutes before my daughter was born, but endured the pain for the 4 hours prior to her birth with nothing. Just go with what you feel is right at the time. Good luck, hope this helps a bit.
I've only had one baby and only been induced. However, the contractions were not nearly as painful as I imagined they would be. Plus, I had gone into it planning on having an epidural when I felt I really needed it. I didn't ask for it until about five and a half hours after being induced and then had my baby about two and a half hours later, so looking back I maybe could've gone through with it without the epidural if I really had felt strongly about it. I'm sure everyone's different but I don't think it's necessarily better or worse.
the pitocin that you get through an iv duringinduction will be more painful and the contractions will be strong from the start but if it is for the wellbeing of your baby then go ahead and do it and consider an epidural if you are really concerned about the pain. just make sure yo get the epidural early on otherwise if you wait until its too late they cant give it to you. you dont have to prove anything to anyone or yourself by having the bay with no meds. that is why they are there. the whole thing is about giving a safe birth to your baby not for bragging rights that you did it naturally. and when you are not so stressed, the baby will be less stressed. please let us know how the birth goes and we will be waiting for the birth announcement
Typically you are correct...
I am a Labor Doula and have attended births of all sorts. As well, I had my first completely natural, very long labor, no drugs etc. (8 pounds even) My second I opted to be induced 12 days early for a large baby. (8lbs. 2 oz.) In my opinion I made a huge mistake. I'd have rather pushed out a 12 pounder than had another induction. Sadly my 3rd was a really necessary induction at 39 weeks for fetal distress, low amnitotic fluid and no more fetal growth - (she was only 6 pounds 3 oz.) and I even had Gestational Diabetes with #3 - go figure!
Why are you being induced? Have you done anything herbal etc. to help your body prepare for labor? Do you want some suggestions for preparing early?
Basically when you labor naturally your body is producing the oxytocin which makes your uterus contract. At the same time you are producing endorphines which help your body relax and help reduce pain, fear, anxiety etc.
When you are induced with drugs like Cytotec (if that is what they want to use, I STRESS --- DO YOUR RESEARCH FIRST!!!) or drugs like Pitcin (most popular) then you are not making the oxytocin or endorphines. So your response to these unnatural contractions if often lots more pain, more tension which causes more pain, and more anxiety which causes more pain.
Now with that said - I have seen a few moms, well educated in induction, go to the hospital knowing they have ULTIMATE control over the type and amount of induction drugs that are used. If you choose a pitocin induction and the nurse comes in about every 1/2 hour and increases you dose until you are having "adaquate" contractions - you have control - if at some point these contractions are too much for you TELL THEM TO TURN IT DOWN!!! Let the people in the room know, "If I freak out, and am in too much pain, remind me to tell the nurse to TURN IT DOWN." It is your body, your birth and your baby.
If you'd like more info, please feel free to give me a call.
J. www.everymotherandchild.com
I'd also highly recommend a Doula! www.dona.org
I was induced twice with my two boys. The first time was at 40 weeks and he was 9 lbs. 2 oz. My second boy was induced at 38 weeks because he was so large and I was so small. He was born at 9 lbs. 6 oz AT 38 WEEKS. I can't say that contractions were all that much worse - I don't think so, but my labors were very short.
My daughter was not induced but came right on time. In fact, I walked into the hospital with little more than a small back ache at 7 cm and had her in less than an hour. It was great.
Good luck.
Rid Toxic Chemicals from your home and have a healthier family! Children are especially vulnerable to all those products you have in your house.
I was induced and I had a Epidural the whole entire time. It was very easy. I barely felt anything. Once the Contractions started I asked for the epi. I think you will be fine. Esp. since you had your first one without any pain meds. Good luck and congrats on the new addition.
Hi B.
I was induced three weeks ago with my first baby. Although, I can not comment on natural labor, I definitely would not allow it a second time unless there was a true medical necessity. If you have a medical necessity, then I would go on the advice of your Obstetrician. If you need to be induced, I would recommend an epidural as the contractions are not "natural". Their peaks are much stronger and "synthetic". Also, you must take into consideration whether or not you will be dilated at the time you go into the hospital. If you are not dilated yet, they obviously would not consider an epidural until (probably 3-4cm dilitation). So to get these going, a lot of doctors use Cervidil to help "ripen" the cervix and have it start changing/opening etc.. Cervidil is very painful to insert. This was my experience as well as what the nurse had informed me. My cervix was soft, but closed and posterior. Therefore, it wasn't ready to be "dilating" just yet. The cervidil usually is inserted and left in for a total of 12 hours and then they move on to the pitocin to help with the contractions.
My experience was that the cervidil did work and I dilated to 2cm after about 8 hours. I was having my own contractions at the time, but once I got to two centimeters, they added the pitocin without any pain meds to "speed things along". The doctor said I could get an epidural at 3cms. The contractions became so INTENSE. It was my first and I wasn't sure what was going on, but I knew things were progressing fast... My nurse checked me and said I was still at 2cms, but the pain and pressure (I started really needing to push) was becoming overwhelming, so my mom and husband had another nurse come right in after and she did a cervical exam and informed us that I was at 7cms. By the time I got the epidural I was at 8-9cm and I was pushing about 20 mins later. The only thing I can say is that I am so very thankful for those 20 minutes of pain freedom until I started pushing and of course the painlessness that followed during pushing.
Later on the doctor apologized because it was clear that the one nurse didn't do a correct exam and I was much farther along then she thought and so I could have had pain meds or the epidural sooner. In the end it all worked out. I guess I did a induced labor without the epidural until 8cm, which was pretty tough.
Ultimately I would say that if it is a medical necessity, then yes have the induction and I would recommend an epidural as it is not a natural process that your body will be forced to undergo. However, remember that you are the boss in the whole situation. You can always go as far as you on your own and then get either narcotics via the IV or the epidural. An epidural does NOT affect your baby. Pain meds in the IV may make them more sleepy as it will go to the baby as well.
Well hope this gives you a little more insight. Feel free to write back if you have any more questions.
Good luck...
Yes, it is true. Natural labor produces it's own pain killers and builds up slowly. The contractions stimulated by pitocin, can be very intense and unnatural, and don't come with endorphins.
You do have rights and choices regarding your body and your baby. If you don't know your options you don't have any.
A good book: Henci Goer's "the thinking woman's guide to a better birth"
I was induced with my first child. I obviously had never experienced labor before, but I would have to say what you have heard is true. They broke my water and two hours later I still had not had any progress, so they gave me pitocin. The contractions were awful. I had one on top of another, no breathing time inbetween. I gave into an epidural, which I didn't want to do. The epidural seemed to halt any progress I had made and the end result was a c-section.
I don't mean to scare you, but the contractions were intense. I would say to have them break your water first and go from there. Try to stay away from the pitocin, or any other unnatural intervention as long as you can. I did not know this, but I could have had them turn down the pitocin and it would have helped me and my baby relax. I hope all goes well for you and I hope my experience was helpful to you.
My first delivery was induced, after 68 hours of latent labor and no progress. I had a strong desire to go natural and great health insurance so my doctor was patient, until my water broke and 12 hours later I was still at 2 cm. Having gone 100% natural the second time around, I have to be honest and say that pitosin induced contractions are far more intense. I did not make it past 6cm before I willingly accepted the spinal block. But, I look back and think, "that was how it had to be." My child is healthy, because I compromised and agreed to do what I had to. We all have different thresholds for pain. You may make it and thin I'm nuts. I think that you should prepare yourself for the possibility of accepting pharmeceutical help now, so that if the time comes, you have no moral issues to overcome.
I am a birth doula and mom of four. I am not sure why you would be induced at 38 weeks unless there is a medical reason with you and/or the baby. Babies are meant to go to term (40 weeks) and some pregnancies can go well past that since there are many factors involved - like knowing your exact date of conception to calculate a due date. Lung development and other growth is still needed and 38 weeks is too early.
Inductions can be done several ways - with pitocin, by breaking your water, sweeping the membranes, prostagladin gel placed on the cervix, etc....it depends on your provider and what you discuss. Here is a great link about induction by renowned, Henci Goer: http://www.hencigoer.com/articles/elective_induction/
I really urge you to educate yourself about the process of induction and whether or not it is medically necessary for you and your baby, as a preemie will have special needs.
As far as being more painful - since inducing doesn't allow the woman's body to gradually build up to labor contractions as effectively as nature would, it can be more difficult to manage pain...but not impossible. Have a great support team, know comfort measures available to you; hire a doula if you can! www.dona.org
Best of luck and congratulations on your upcoming birth-day!
You don't say why you are being induced at 38 weeks, but is it an option or do you want to wait until you are at term and see if the baby comes on his/her own? I know some doctors induce so that they don't have to come in the middle of the night to deliver you or share their delivery fee with anyone else! :{
Induced labor can be produce stronger contractions because the medicaton causes you to skip over the early, easier contractions. If you are induced tell them when you arrive at the hospital that you "may" want something for the "discomfort" if the contractions become too much. My advice is to skip the stadol and demerol because they do not take away the pain, only "help" make it easier to tolerate. With my first labor, the drugs made me unable to control my breathing or myself for that matter. :}(God Bless my labor nures!)
A few helpful things should you choose an epidual..
1. I got my first one at 9.5 cm of dilation
2. You can have the medication titrated so that it just
takes the edge off. I could feel the contractions and was able to push with both deliveries. And with my second one I was walking within a hour of delivery.
What ever you decide, follow your instincts and enjoy!
Best of luck.
It hurt a little more with my second daughter and I had her induced(vs waiting 4 days like I did with my oldest)but then again it's going to hurt either way. if you need to get induced then you should because complications hurt a lot more.
I had to be induced my first pregnancy and the second I was not induced. The contractions were by far more intense and painful with the induction. I also had a much longer labor with the pitocin - almost 30 hours. The natural birth was quicker - only about 6 hours total.
Honestly, if you could wait for the baby to come on its own, I think your labor will go much smoother and more comfortably.
Good Luck!
I was induced for my first child and I am pregnant with my second and have NO plans to be induced for this one. About an hour after they gave me the pitocin drip I started labor pains. The pain went from nothing to "OH MY GOD I WANT TO KILL MYSELF". I here that natural labor is more of a gradual increase in pain so it isn't as bad. Inducing bring the hard pain quick. Our plan was to wait as long as possible before getting the epidural, but as soon as I felt the first five contractions I has to have it. I don't mean to scare you. Every body handle pain differently. I didn't know what to expect and it was a shocker.Good luck
Hello, and congrats on your second child. Now are they inducing you for medical reasons? If they are then, it is possible that throwing your body into labor can cause more intense cramps,and I am going off of what I have heard. My next thing, on my third child, the doctor's kept telling me that if I wanted to be induce that they would do it for me. And my fear was just like yours, the pain, because I too went natural,and I fought againist it. I felt when the baby is ready he will come. Sure enough my son came right on time on his schedule due date. Now in the end I had to have a c-section, however the natural experience was great and I felt good knowing I didnt rush my sons debut.
Good luck:)
Am I the only person that can assume that perhaps B. S. knows perfectly well why she is getting induced?
Is it possible for the poor woman to get an answer to a question without people assuming that she doesn't have a clue why she is being induced at 38 weeks?
I was also induced at 38 weeks and I knew very well why. I don't think having to disclose her full medical history to some of you people is necessary for her to get an answer. Nor any of your business.
In answer:
I only have 1 child and I was induced due to a medical problem that is NO ONE'S BUSINESS. Just like any birth, you don't know what you are going to get. I don't have anything to compare it to.
May I ask first why do they want to induce at 38 weeks? DO you have a medical condition or is the baby in danger?
I was induced with my first baby and labored and delivered naturally (without any drugs except pitocin for the induction). I don't have any experience delivering without induction, but I can tell you that once my water broke, my baby was born 3 hours later. I went from 3 cm to 10 cm in 1.5 hours and it was very very very intense. The contractions were constant and it was very difficult because I never felt like I was able to catch my breath. So, I don't know if it is from the pitocin, or not, but once I started painful contractions, they did not let up. The advantage is that it went really fast, but it was so intense. Good luck - you can do it naturally if that's what you want!
Hi there,
I am new to this sight so you have probably had your baby already. I have had two children without induction and two with. The first three I had no medication. The third was an induction due to medical reasons and I must admit it was a more painful labor mainly because the contractions were less gradual because they are being forced. However, the labor was faster than the other two so it didn't seem so bad. My doctors were very good about not inducing sooner than was absolutely necessary and tried to wait until my body was favorable for an induction. They were also good about letting me move about the room with my iv on one of those mobile things, not sure what you call it. So overall it was not really any worse than the other two. However with the fourth it was an induced labor as well again due to a medical condition only this time they did not allow me to get up from the bed. I opted for an epidural knowing how difficult this would be to not be able to move around if I needed help getting comfortable during contractions and making them more bearable. This was not how I would ideally plan it especially when the epidural was not as effective as I heard they tend to be. I did not feel contractions until it came to the pushing and then I realized the epidural had not gone down far enough and I was in immense pain. I think it would have been easier to be in pain the entire time instead of just at the end because as you know when you push it is the hardest of all. So really, you will probably be fine and although it is not as easy to do as when you go into labor on your own it is doable and it is generally better for your recovery and for the baby. They dont tell you that it hurts where they put in the epidural afterwards. To me that was more aggraviting than the labor pains but cause it doesnt go away quite so fast and it is a constant nagging pain.
I cant compare my induction to a natural labor but I can tell you what happened with me. I have VERY difficult pregnancies with Hyperemesis so I was induced with my daughter at 38 weeks and am 32 weeks pregnant with my son and another induction has already been scheduled. It was so super easy for me allthough I didnt want to go all natural without pain meds, I got an epidural and plan on doing the same thing again. My labor lasted 5 hours with my first, I pushed twice and she was out. I honestly couldnt imagine it being any easier than it was but if you are planning on going with no pain meds than I heard that it is more painful and intense because of the pitocin.
I was induced with my daughter because my labor kept slowing down after my water had already broken on it's own, so we were in a time count down to get her out. On a pain scale it went from the natural contractions being a 3-4 to an instant 10 I am going to die when they crank up that pitosin. If you can go gradually it is better but when your body does not want to give up the baby they have to crank it up. If that turns out to be the case do yourself a favor and request the epidural, the rest of it is smooth sailing and you can actually enjoy the birth after that! Good Luck to you!
I was induced with my second natural baby. To be perfectly honest with you, I couldn't feel the contractions for the first 4 hours. The nurses said I should be about ready to have the baby...9 hours after inducing, we had a baby. Contractions are contractions. I didn't feel pain until that magic moment. Then, as you know, all the pain was gone and I felt better.
Congrats and best wishes.
I was induced several hours after my labor started because I stopped progessing and after that I had severve back labor along with the usual contractions. The back labor is common side effect. Everyone has different reaction to the medicine. You might be one of lucky ones and it might just be normal for you. I have heard of some people getting induced and giving birth in two hours or less because that is how fast they react. I am sure that you will get lots of stories that can scare and lots that won't. Just remember through it all the little bundle of joy that you will have in the end and you can do anything.
Both of my kids were induced at 37 weeks, first one due to high blood pressure the second due to him being so big. I had not one problem with either. The second time around I went fast and the only problem I had was the nurse not believing I was having full blown contractions and needed an epidural like NOW, hee hee. Otherwise it went well and not one problem. I don't know about the contractions with natural, I know I couldn't imagine not having an epidural and commend all those women that don't as with my son, I was in labor for four hours before they got me the epidural due to shortage of staff and I was IN A LOT OF PAIN! :)
Hi B., I was induced with my first, the day after his due date, but I had been dialated to a 3 since 36 weeks and my water bag was bulging. I was having contractions, but they weren't consistent. Once they put me on the pitocin and they broke my water he came in about 3 hours. My second and third ended up being c-sections, because of the cord not allowing them to drop. The induced contractions were more intense, but he was ready to come and it went very fast. I think if you are ready and it isn't happening on it's own, inducing can speed up the process, but to induce when nothing is happening, it could draw out your labor and end up being more painful and putting more stress on you and the baby. Why are they recommending inducing so early? Like many of the other posts have said, it will happen when it needs to. Try not to rush things. I wish you all the best!
Hi B., I had both my children with pitocin. my labor with my 1st was very long and the severe pain from the contractions came on suddenly and very continuously! I got the epidural after only about 4 hours of as much as I could take. With my Second I wanted to wait on the epidural as long as I could. I was a little early with my son but he had had me in labor for 2weeks with out doing much. My doctor said to give me a very slow drip cause she didnt want to deliver till she had finished up some stuff. 2 hours went by& i was ok but then it suddenly kicked in I went from 5cm to 10 in about 20 minutes and almost missed my doctor completely!! Since it's your second birth it should go faster and smoother than your first but it is definately gonna be painful with the pitocin. I would definately wait till 40 weeks before considering induction if its safe to do so. Good luck though!!
Kind of funny that I would find your post today. I was induced on Friday night due to high blood pressure. I went in and was 2 1/2 cm dilated so my dr broke my water and started on potcin (sp?). I went very fast but I have to tell you that the contractions were very painful. They set you up to go fast though. I was only in labor for 5 1/2 hours and I pushed for less then 7 min. After 2 hours I went ahead and got the Epidural. It was much more comfortable. I know that the pain sounds scary but it is well worth the pain to have a shorter labor. Good luck!
M. B
I was induced with my son and was in labor for about 5 hours which I have been told is pretty quick for a first and also could be due to being induced. I don't think I experienced any extra pain. It was a natural birth and the only thing that caused me extreme pain was that my contractions were all in my back(ow) but I don't think it had anything to do with being induced. They think I may have already been going into labor before being induced since I started having contractions on top of contractions. Just my luck lol.
I think you have to be really sure about your dates to be induced this early. You could be only about 36 weeks. If the induction is being suggested because of a possible big baby, please do research on this before being induced only for that reason.
I am curious why you need to be induced at 38 weeks instead of 40+?
To me, it wasn't necessarily that the pain was worse, but I wasn't able to ease into the contractions. Like the other mom said, they were one on top of the other. For example, my body started having contractions as if I were 8 cms, but I was only 1.
In my opinion, more people end up w/ c-sections after using pitocin, I know I did. With my second son, my midwife stripped my membranes and that sent me into labor w/out any drugs and I was able to have a vbac. I would encourage you to look at all your options first and do your own research.
If you want to talk more, you can message me!
Hi B., Congrats on your baby. I have two children and i did it that way as well. My first was natural and i only pushed 3 times and he flew out. They didn't even have the bed ready. NOT the same with my second. I was also induced at 40 weeks and it was a completly different experience. I don't want to scare you, but it was soooo easy the first time and after the second i didn't want to ever go through that again. ( I am, because you forget about all the pain when you get to hold them.:)) After i checked in and they induced, my son was not born for 20 hours. Crazy, huh. I almost say just wait, but good luck.
I was induced with my first at 38 weeks due to a large baby and me being small. I had been at 3 cm for 2 weeks and had a ton BH contractions. The contractions from pitocin weren't nearly as bad as I expected and were definately bearable for the first 5 hours. Then they broke my water and contractions ramped up. I ended up getting a dose of Nubain to take the edge off and it wore off about two hours later but then it was time to deliver. I had a very short labor for being induced as a first time mom (little over 7 hours start to finish). With my second childmy doc stripped my membranes at 37 weeks but didn't really expect anything to happen except a few more contractions. I was again at 3 cm and had a ton of BH contractions, but my water was bulging. I went into labor an hour later (5:30 pm). I labored at home all night after being told by the hospital I wasn't in labor and went into the hospital at 1:30 pm. I was at a 9 but my water was intact. The doctor broke my water when he got there and 15 minutes later my son was here, naturally. I don't think the contractions were any worse to be honest, it just took a lot longer naturally. It was nice to be able to get out of bed and walk with my second but it was also nice to be done sooner. If you had your first naturally and it was a short labor, I don't see why the second couldn't be as well. Everyone handles pain differently, and I'm sure your doctor has a reason to induce you early. Good luck!
Wow your first labor was FAST!!! Well my first also came on his own except my labor was 12 hours. My water broke with him at 37 weeks. Now with my daughter I was induced at 39 weeks because she was getting so big. In my experience the pain was no worse than that of son. My labor was also 12 hours with her which I think was because I was induced otherwise it may have been faster. My experience with induction was not bad but I have heard from others who say labor contractions were alot more painful. Induction does tend to make labor last longer for some. And if it does not work for whatever reason the risk of c-section is higher. I felt being 39 weeks to be induced was good. Well good luck!!
I just HAD to comment on this...
Yes, induced contractions are a LOT more painful. They come quicker, stronger, and because it's a synthetic version of the hormone your body produces, it blocks endorphins to your brain (which you normally get during natural labor). Being induced also leads to more interventions, which greatly increases your chance of having a c-section. I don't want to scare you or anything, but I've really done my research because this happened to me. I was induced, and right away after getting pitocin, my contractions became VERY intense. I ended up asking for an epidural at 4cm because it was so unbearable, which halted my progress, and I ended up having a c-section. I don't know about others, but my c-section was a very traumatic experience - I definitely don't recommend it! Anyway, the next time around for me, I will do anything and everything to avoid being induced, augmented, and most definitely c-sectioned. I mean, some people seem to be more inclined to respond well to inductions than others, so maybe you'll be lucky. But if I were you I'd avoid being induced in any way if I could.
Good luck to you, and I hope you have a great experience no matter what.
If there are not any medical reasons you would need to be induced, i would wait until the baby decided to come. Lots of times inducing leads to pitocin (sp)(labor enhancing drug)then because your body is not naturally ready to dialate, it turns into a c-section. If you don't want to have a c-section, i would talk to your dr. about what would happen if you dont dialate in enough time and what would warrent a c-section to take place. I was induced a week before my due date becuase i was dialated one centemeter. I had pitocin and ended up having a c-section because i was not dialating past 5 cent. in 9 hours. Good luck with your decision and ask a ton of questions. remember, the only stupid question is the one you dont ask.
I also had my first baby without being induced and my second was induced at 4 days past my due date. I think the doctors sort of rush it now... but I guess they know what they're doing, right? 38 weeks seems a bit early.. is there a reason?
Anyways, I thought it got worse much faster was the problem. With my first I could take the pain for quite awhile before I got my epidural (which only worked for a short time!) My second baby, I was begging for the epidural, and this time I felt nothing which I thought was quite amazing!
I also think it depends on the person though. My second baby was turned backwards, which the doctor said made the labor pains twice as painful... so that could have been the issue.
I have a friend who went drug free with her first and was not induced and when she was induced with her second she had to have an epidural. My sister on the other hand thinks it's about the same (but she also begs for an epidural at a pretty early point too!)
Good luck with everything. You're so tough to go all-natural birth... I wish I had the strength to do that! I'm a wimp! :D
I have had two children via induced labor. Both my kids were very happy in my tummy. I can't speak directly regarding natural labor vs induced, but I did have no drugs with the first child and insisted them for the second. Wow, what a difference. It made the experience so much better for EVERYONE involved.
My kids are now and their twenties and very well adjusted : )
I am a mother of 6 and a grandmother of 11. I have seen an increase in induced labor in the past several years. If the baby isn't late (by more than 2 weeks), this seems to lead to an increased chance of ending up with a ceasarean section. Babies have their own time schedule and trying to force their arrival before they are ready can cause problems. I would take a close look at the reason your doctor wants to induce labor (especially since your first was so easy) and maybe try to get a second opinion. As a matter of fact, I recommend you find a midwife and consider this as an alternative. You want to find one who has a good relationship with a hospital in case of need, but childbirth is not a sickness and shouldn't be treated as such. L.
Hello B.,
I too experienced natural "fast birth" with my first daughter,however my second was induced and more painful, and it was a very long wait in the hospital. my mother was there and so was the father and I was scheduled at 9pm and she didn't get around to inducing me until after 11pm. It wasn't check in or paper work that caused the delay it was because she was over booked! Not to mention she was in such a hurry that she didn't let the father cut the cord. If there isn't a risk factor or health problem personally I think the baby should come when it is ready,not because the doctor wants to get paid!
Doesn't it seem a bit odd to schedule an induction at 38 weeks? Is there a medical necessity for this? I am assuming that since you went natural on the first you are aware of the added risks of any drugs. I was planning on a natural birth but at 42 weeks my midwives sent me in for an induction (and were also worried about fluid levels). I held off as long as I could but still no contractions - I finally agreed to the pitocin and I wouldn't wish it on any woman. I know every woman's body is different (and every pregnancy) but my contractions were coming every 2 minutes and lasting almost that long - and they were very intense. After about 8 hours I finally had to have an epidural- and still no baby. Then he didn't react well to the drugs after a while and finally 16 hours after they started the pitocin he was finally delivered via c-section. My body ballooned with fluids too. My son was very healthy he just wasn't ready to come out yet. In the end if I have another I will be more insistent on not inducing.
Dear B., I'm not sure why you are planning to be induced. If it isn't necessary, I'd try to avoid it. I recommend going to a La Leche League meeting. There will be other mothers there who have had a similar experience and will be able to help you. Please go to http://www.lllusa.org/ and Click on Find a Local Group. Feel free to take you first son to the meeting with you as there will be lots of other children there and he will most likely make a new friend or two. Hope you make a few new friends there too.
I am a retired LaLeche League leader and would strongly support further investigation on your own before relinquishing your naturla birth plans in lieu of a surgical procedure. Induction (Pitocin) can be quite painful as you no longer can work with your labor pains, as in natural delivery. The suggestion will resultingly follow to take an epidural to resolve your pain issue. This way the medical field can be protected legally as you sign waivers to free the medical team of any responsibilty. Not knowing why the physicians wish to induce,and if it's a clear health risk to your unborn child, which could potentially necessitate induction, rather than a timing issue for a holiday, etc. you can still continue researching your first choice, a natural birth. You are very vulnerable during labor and delivery, so to have your birth plan firmly made, with your partner there to intervene for you, is imperative. I have had 5 births having had my doc decide my birth plan from 'twilight' medication administered at 10 cm, a caudal block, epidurals and finally a natural birth, after having finally found an OB that would stand his ground for me. Natural is definitely the best recovery for mom and child. Tearing versus cutting heals faster and less painful, believe it or not. Contact your local LaLeche League for further information and support.
HI B.-
I know of a painless inducement that involves massage. If you are in the Ft. Collins area I could recommend a licensed Duela for you, she was the very best for us! Her name is Jana Gottino. her number is ###-###-####. She began her inducing massage and contractions started 15 minutes later....let me know if you have other questions. this is totally natural..good luck! K
After reading the many opinions on the subject.....
There are Doula's as well as Accupuncturists, Ayurvedic practitioners, massage therapists and reflexologists who all could assist with a natural induction. Ayurvedic person would have to have studied
Marma points, similar to accupressure.
Is there a reason you will be induced at 38 wks? If not why not wait until you naturally go into labor. Being that your first delivery progressed well, the chances that your second will go as well if not better after paving the way with the first is high.
hi B., i was intervened for both my babies after i started having pains,i got the epidural both time ,for first at 1cm and second i was already 4 cm before i had any pains.. yo can also ask for it from thje beginig its wrong that epidural stops labour progress the uterus will keep on contracting without pain... even the natural labour is also painful so go for epidural and come out of the labour fresh and happy..)
I was induced with my 4th and last baby. In my opinion, it WAS more painful...
In all my reading I would have to say that inducing is NOT A GOOD IDEA, unless ABSOLUTELY MEDICALLY NECCESSARY! :-) smiles. I only italisized to make the point that you really don't want to introduce any drugs unless you absolutely have two.
1) Pitosin (I may not have spelled right)most commonly used to induce labor can actually have the opposite affect for some women and stop or slow any dialation that is naturally occuring. ONE INTERVENTION TYPICALLY LEEDS TO ANOTHER, don't plan an induction, consult with some local midwives (I know 2)who may have great advice if there is a certain issue that is bending you toward induction.
Personal Experience, my sister had this happen to her not once but twice, both babies ended up c-sections.
2)Clinically proven that drug induced contractions are more intense, often more frequent than natural. They are NOT proven to be any more productive, in fact research shows otherwise. The body's natural rythme allows for rest between, which is much needed for both mom and baby to be successful and healthy for baby. All kinds of problems noted with induced contractions including higher stress on the baby, problems with baby's positioning, etc. All the problems that can be caused by the drugs increases the chances of more and more interventions. Fetal monitor will most likely be used and thus they would notice that extra stress to the baby and your chances of c section go up exponentially.
3) Synthetic drugs interfear with the body's natural drug productions including; those that trigger your body throughout labor and help you move through the stages of labor, endorphans to the brain for energy, stamina, well being, and hormones that triger milk production.
Personal Experience: 2 c sections, twice having to wait 27 & 18 days for milk to come in, and never really producing enough to satisfy, had to supplement.
4) Any and all drugs given to the mother DO REACH THE BABY! And no, they are not as harmless as medical world would like us to think. Not alot is published about long term affects, drug companies would not want that. However there are studies showing that APGAR scores on babies whose mother had any drugs at all have a tendancy to consistantly score lower.
My personal experience is two pregnancies both ending in c-section much to my dismay. First was placental abruption, had to be done. Second was somewhat forced upon me because I, the oposite of you, could not progress in labor, was over due, and had very high blood presure.
Given your history of success I would not do anything to mess with nature unless you HAVE TOO. Stay away from the hospital as long as possible, use nurse midwives if availible in your chosen OB practice, or consider a home birth! I know many people in Fort Collins with wonderful home birth experiences, and personally know two midwives to recommend. Also keep in mind that normal gestation is actually 38-42 weeks, so you are really not overdue until 42 weeks. Western medicine likes to call it 40 and say that everyone should be average. Even more they like to schedule things for convenience. I would like to say that baby births don't have anything to do with convenience. :-)
Some great information on natural childbirth and the negatives to medical interventions are well written about in Bradley Birth Method books and materials, Bradley birth class teachers are a great resource for info, and they might even have info on the web, ??? Granted sometimes interventions are needed, I know, but if not stay natural.
Your already a seasoned champ, I wouldn't go any other way unless you have too.
Best wishes for a healthy, happy pregnancy and baby!