Cooking: Infant, Nuby

13 answers

How to Stop Breastfeeding..? and Other...

I'm a stay at home 1st time mom to a beautiful 14,5 months old litlle boy. As a time goes by, I see some mistakes that I've made from the begining and now looking for some solution... Anyway, I started to look for a job and hopefuly soon I'll find something. But then I'll have to give my boy to a daycare, and that means stop the breastfeeding (the job isn't the only reason for that, I just think that by baby got enough of my milk and besides that isn't comfortable for me anymore at all). And here is a problem- he sleeps with us (my husband ...

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25 answers

How Do You Wean Your Baby?

I am just trying to be a little proactive. How do you wean your baby, my little boy is almost 8 months and I want to stop breastfeeding him at 1 year old? I don’t want to do cold turkey. Any suggestions? Thanks New Mom