Who Are You?

Updated on August 05, 2011
R.D. asks from Richmond, VA
29 answers

Apparently, my 'scaring kids' post did not sit well with a few people... I respect your views anyway ;)

Then I was thinking... am I really that jerk parent? I mean, my kids think the stupid pranks we pull are funny, they reciprocate, and yeah, we're totally a 'black sheep' family.

Especially because of the looks I've been getting at my kids vacation bible school (we don't go to the church, but my kids went to their preK, and they were INVITED)... People look at me like some crazy lady with tattoos. Whatever. So I'm going to kind of introduce myself as ME, not as a mother (that's a given), and invite everyone to do the same (kind of like your profile, but not everyone has info on there).

I'm R.. I was only 19 when I had my first child... now I have 3 total and I'm happily married at 27. I have an old soul. I'm so done having kids, but I love everyone else's babies. I'm not religious or political, but I'm spiritual and educated and intelligent. I'm also my own breed of weird. I like weird stuff... mummies, skeletons, anything medical and having to do with the human body. I read medical books and study for fun. I have an awful, warped, dry sense of humor that very few people actually get and enjoy, but even if no one else laughs, I'll laugh at myself. You have to be able to laugh at yourself! I am covered in tattoos. I am a genuinely good person, and lead by example for my kids. Nothing make's my day happier than helping someone else, just because. I love cooking for large groups of people. I love having a house full of kids! I could live the rest of my life without tv, as long as I could listen to music 24/7. I collect little, silly kids toys, and have them all over my kitchen (really random stuff, you should see it!). I get along with just about everyone and everyone, but if you rub me the wrong way, I won't sugarcoat, I'll tell it like it is. I hate ham, tomatoes, and mushrooms, but I could live off tacos, pizza, and cheesesteaks (not physically, obviously, but YUM!!) I'm a total bookworm... and a mamapedia addict ;)

Who are YOU?

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By reading about all you ladies, you've reminded me so much more about myself!! I'm so glad I posted this question, you're all wonderful and I've thoroughly enjoyed reading about everyone!! THANKS :)

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answers from Los Angeles on

I am....

old at heart. I think I should have grown up in the 40's and 50's. I value manners and good moral beliefs.

I LOVE pizza - seriuosly could eat pizza everyday of the week.
I LOVE Tom Petty! He is sooo hot in my eyes!
I LOVE my husband - even as annoying as he can be at times

I dislike snotty uppity people who think think they are better then me just b/c I didn't go to college. I am still smart and knowledgable even though I don't have a degree.

I would have a ridiculous amount of kids if we were able to.

I too am a mamapedia addict :)

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answers from St. Louis on

Oh my god! you would love our gnome! Maybe not but we love our gnome. We move it around the yard, our neighbors think we are nuts. We grow hops on the side of the house and I feel the need to tell random people it is pot. My neighbor, the cop, thinks it is hysterical.

I love being me, I don't think many people can say that. I laugh at myself, I laugh at everyone else, everything is funny to me.

I am a nerd. When I get bored I crunch numbers. Any stats I have ever posted her I got from raw data.

Like you I joke with my kids. I figure if I think it is funny and my kids think it is funny then no harm no foul. Worst case they write the new mommy dearest book, ya know. I am just keeping food in their mouths.

I am as close to Autistic as you can be and still be considered ADD. I don't see the world the way anyone else does, okay maybe other people like me. You have no idea how funny this planet is from a different angle.

O well, I am supposed to be working and since I am at work I guess I will take a stab at it. :)

I have no tattoos but only because I cannot come up with a single thing I want to look at for the rest of my life. Meh, maybe one day.

Oh, if anyone wants to know the best thing about being ADD, no stress, even if you have something you should be stressed about you forget it in a couple minutes anyway. :p

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answers from Providence on

Hi R.! My name is Rae. I'm 33, and live in New England, but was born and raised in Florida. I miss my southern accent so much!

I find you refreshing, and fun. You are right, you do need a sense of humor and the ability to laugh at yourself. In this day in age, people take themselves way to seriously.

I am a stay at home mother, but have worked 12 years in the Mental health field. I love to write, cook, paint-abstract , draw, sing, dance, photography, gardening. I am interested in so many things, and do not like things to matchy-matchy. I have an eclectic style and taste. I love all types of foods, but have a weakness for dark chocolate covered anything. I think my whole family could live off of pizza. We are italian, , so many meals consists of tomatoes, however a good Alfredo sauce is always welcomed :)

I , like you, get along with just about anyone. I take a lot of pride in my ability to do so. I absolutely dislike people who are judgemental and stuck-up. So, at times, yes my buttons get pushed. I love this site, as I try to help others with any topics that I may have some life experience with. Mostly with medical, divorced families, addiction/mental health, and behavioral issues.

I am a great listener, and enjoy a good conversation. Especially with a glass of red wine.

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answers from Houston on

Im turning 30 in three days. Im the mother of two girls and pregnant with the unknown gender at the moment (which im really hoping is a girl and im sick of hearing everyone say, "i want you to have a boy") I married my high school crush and the first half of our marriage was AWFUL because of various tragedies. I hate being wrong, in fact im careful not to state opinions im on the fence about because i want to be right. Im obsessed with my appearance and care wayy too much about what other people think , but on the other hand i might not care enough. I lost my mom young and my dad young too and you can tell when you know me that im "off"....basically having raised myself. Im fiercely independent to my own fault and i procrastinate too much. I like fitness and nutrition and in that field i feel i have a calling. Im a vegetarian, outspoken, attachment parent, co sleeper, non spanker....who probably raises her voice a bit too much. I really only listen to oldies and classic rock, classic country. Most of the stuff made after the 80s was imo garbage...but i hate old movies. I was a troubled teen , and my kids reformed me. I can paint anything thats in front of me, but i cant peint things from my own imaginations and i hate that about myself. Im afraid of driving but would gladly bungee jump, ride in an airplane, jump out of one, ski, surf,....you name it i just hate the freeway. I keep very few close friends and my sense of humor is very twisted too.

I agree with what you said R.,,,,,about laughing at yourself. Other than all that stuff i just said....im an infuriating optimist. I tell my kids that as long as they are laughing first then its not possible that they are being laughed AT, they are being laughed WITH.

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answers from Kansas City on

Interesting . . . I think I am responding more to hear what I have to say about myself - LOL! I am a 35 year old Mom of two kids under the age of 5. I met my husband when I was 23 and it took several years of breaking up and getting back together before we both realized we truley wanted to be together. I want more kids but in this economy am fearful that we will go broke. I am becoming selfish in my young age that I value my sleep and enjoy my alone moments . . . but think I have always enjoyed those :) I love doing things by myself and don't "need" a shopping partner or someone to go to the mall with. I love my diet coke and Starbucks! I wish depserately I hated both. I don't have the self control to get rid of either. I am not religious nor do I believe in god but in spiritual beings. I have a strange family dynamic and am not close to my parents or siblings which of course does make me sad. I work hard at my career and love it! I love the money I make and the success I have. Many hate my job, including my husband and I will admit that I had more of a social life but I work a lot. I am a HUGE animal lover . . . I have 3 large dogs, all rescues and 2 cats. If I could save them all from being abused and abandoned I would. I am outspoken and have no problem speaking my mind in the heat of the moment but oddly do not like confrontation. Love drinking Coronas and red Wine. I know this doesn't cover all of who I am but it was great saying it. Thanks for the post!

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answers from Cincinnati on

Hi R..
I'm H.. I am 33, happily married to a man whom I met in Kindergarten. He has a 15 year old son, and together, we have a 6 yr old girl, and a 3 yr old boy. We live in suburbia where most moms are trying to one up each other at all times. It's sick. If you aren't carrying a Coach bag, then you're not "cool". I'm still searching for what I want to be when I grow up. I love the beauty industry and have had a cosmetology license for 8 years. I landed my current job with the help of "knowing someone". I work 2 days a week in a job I am under qualified for, though I think I am faking it well. I am an insane baker. I make fabulous, work of art, cupcakes for all of my family and friends parties. I would open a bakery in a second if the economy was in a better place. It's my true love.

I hate meat, with the exception of chicken. If I was on Survivor, and couldn't eat for a few months, when I arrived home, my first meal would probably be a peanut butter and jelly sandwich and cheetos. My husband makes fun of my "school lunch" dinners that I make. I even bought trays just like the ones at school so every item has its own area without touching. We do have a fruit or veggie with every meal. I do take my kids to McDonalds a few times a month, and I let them eat fries! *gasp*, occasionally I also get them an ice cream cone as a treat. Life is about the treats, right?

I'm insanely stubborn. I want things my way. I have friends that I can count on 1 hand. These girls are my life. There's a saying that you'll never have friends like you did when you were twelve... well my friends are my friends from when I was twelve. Don't know what I would do without them. I keep them close, and I do not keep my enemies closer. I've always hated that advise. I get rid of my enemies. I CANNOT stand drama. If there's drama, look around, you won't find me.

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answers from St. Louis on

Hi R.!! I am Carla and am 31 years young (hehe). I have two kids - the first one I had when I was 27 and the second one when I was 29. Hubby and I met when I was 21 and dated for almost five years before getting married. Sounds pretty traditional but I went through a few very hard relationships in high school (uber controlling) and then in college (broken heart followed by bad choice bf who stole money from me!).

I value my family and friends the most!! I love love love my family - including my 8 SIL and 1 BIL. I love that my hubby comes from a big family. I talk to my mom on the phone at least 3x a day if not more and have lunch with her weekly. I love that she takes my kids separately and has a 'Grandbee' (her name to them) date.

I feel very lucky that my husband got off the night shift at work and now keeps the kids during the week and works weekends. He hardly got to see his dad growing up (worked a lot) and we didn't want that.

I am very outgoing and love to talk talk talk!! I have three tatttoos - ivy around my toes that I got when I was 18, water/fire with a sun around it on my lower back and a Chick on my wrist (for my scrapbooking chick family...we are called the Scrapping Chicks and all got tattoos last year including my aunts (in their 60's) and cousin (in her 40's).

I have a bachelor's degree in Communication (hence the love of talking?) and a Masters in Education but do not use either degree. I work as a contractor for the government and do a lot of computer technical geeky stuff I never thought I would like or enjoy doing. I really love it though and have a great job and the flexibility I feel like I need with having young kids (being able to come in late/leave early when needed).

I love to scrapbook, read and watch tv. I DVR a ton of shows - Covert Affairs, Glee, In Plain Sight, SYTYCD, 90201, Grey's Anatomy. I could go on and on!

Hubby and I love spending time together but are okay spending time separate but in the same house. He'll do his computer stuff and I'll have my tv time!

I love living in the country but wish we had more space. I want a bigger kitchen and more bedrooms for our future kids we will have (I know, all in due time).

I am a people pleaser at heart and in the past was not good with confrontation but I am getting better at taking a stand when it's needed. I am passionate about what I believe in (most people probably are). I believe in and love God, being an American, having our freedom, books, tattoos on men (very sexy!), chocolate (especially with PB), Salsa, Feta Cheese, most foods that are bad for you (hehe), comfortable clothes (although I want to be fashionable at the same time) and coloring my hair.

I am extremely planned and organized. Some would say OCD. But I do not mind. It keeps me sane. I love this website and GREAT post!

I want my kids to have everything in the world - happiness, security and all the toys that they do not need!! Seeing my kids smile and laugh is about the best thing in the world. If I had the space and money I'd have 10 more kids!

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answers from San Antonio on

I am a 31 yr old mother of one. I am very easy-going. I am not the outgoing person of the group. I believe in God. I met my first husband in college. Didn't work out. Divorced after 4 years, luckily with no kids. I met my current husband at church. We got married after 7 months of dating. Got pregnant 2 weeks (oops!) after getting married. I used to teach in public schools. Now I teach my own son. I love pizza, love burgers, love raw tomatoes, love feta cheese. I can't stand mushrooms or eggplant. We're budget-conscious. I am not a fashion guru by any means. I like piercings. I always wanted a tatoo, but never got one. I think tattoos on men can be super-hot. My honey has none though.

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answers from Chicago on

This is one of the best questions ever!! I loved reading everyone's responses!!

I'm S. and prefer the Steven Perry song "Oh Sherry" over "Sherry Baby". I was named for neither.

I am a mama to two of the most dynamic children in the universe, but I am biased. I am an only parent.

In the last two years, life has handed me some serious lemons, but I intend to keep making lemonade with them.

I have overcome many fears, including driving a very long distance by myself... from Chicago to Charleston, SC last week!!

I love punctuation, and try to make my 8th grade students love it, too. They don't so much.

I love telling people that something fabulous I am wearing only cost $2 @ Goodwill.

I am extremely loyal, passionate, opinionated, and determined.

My best girlfriends I have known since junior high.

I am going to marry Justin Timberlake someday. ;) Seriously, I would like to date again, but I am very afraid to. My standards are probably too high and I have a secret crush on a long time friend.

I can't believe I just typed that.

I love quotations and writing and write my own blog.

Reading is the next best thing to writing. I just finished Cutting for Stone. LOVED it.

Seinfeld is my favorite TV show and I have friends that call me Elaine. Really, they introduce me to others as Elaine, and their sister had no idea what my real name was.

Mosquitoes love me. I do not love them.

My dog is Lulu, my cat is Herman, and my fish is Rainbow.

I love "lippie"... lip gloss, chapstick...

Mamapedia makes me laugh, wonder... and sometimes curse. Thank you for a fun question and chance to spotlight myself.

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answers from New York on

don't let those reponses get to you! some people need to lighten up!

nice meeting you though! :)

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answers from Portland on

I have a profile and so won't give one here. I add experiences pertinent to questions when I answer them. I do very much wish that everyone filled in the profile section. Your question and the responses do make me feel like I know people a little better but I have no time to think thru a description. I will add that being a mom was especially difficult for me. I adopted a special needs girl. But I'm thoroughly enjoying being a grandma. I'm watching my two oldest grandchildren for the summer. One is in a year round school and so he's only part time. Good!

We go swimming, to OMSI, a science museum, The Children's museum, an indoor air conditioned play room at McDonald's, and the park. We watch movies at home. Then there are the "experiments" with food. My granddaughter made what she thought would be an icky drink to give to the neighbor boys and it turned out delicious. lol

I've become a bit of a scatter brain. As a mom looking back I was all about control. l thought I had to be on top of everything or my daughter would grow up out of control. Turns out that there is no way to be in total control. I felt like I wasn't such a good mother but yet my daughter has become a responsible, enjoyable woman with great kids. She tries to be in control and I feel so sorry that I can't share my insights with her. I guess we all have to learn for ourselves. As long as we make responsible, informed decisions life does turn out to be OK. We don't have to hang on so tightly.

Yes, I'm a philosopher who likes to think things thru. I'm relieved that doing so no longer means I have to find a correct answer. Life is good!

I used to be a really good housekeeper. Now my house is in chaos. I wash dishes everyday but it's been months since I mopped the floor. And clutter reigns. Happy kids are so much more important than a clean house. I have gone too far to the other side of clean and am working on finding a middle ground.

Now I must leave to have lunch with a friend. My granddaughter is swimming with another family.

I just went back and read the post and responses to scaring kids. I didn't see any responses that implied you are a jerk. We are what we tell ourselves. You are not a jerk!

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answers from St. Louis on

I am a mother to 4 wonderful kids. I thought I was done, but we shall see. I work hard for my money working about 60-70 hours a week. I wish I could cut back, but due to the economy and our bills I can't. Some days I go to work at 8:00 a.m. and work until 10:30 p.m. I do however get to see my kiddo's at lunch and dinner. I LOVE the water doesn't matter if it is a shower, pool, water gun fight or drinking it. I Hate veggies, soda, coffee and tea. I do not have any tat's or piercings other than my ears. I am a religious person who believes in God, but I also believe we all can worship in our own way. Since I work most Sundays I don't get to go to church as often as I like. My family is the most important thing to me and I spend any time I can with them including my parents, siblings and in-laws. Which by the way I have wonderful in-laws.

I am also going to school to get a degree in the medical field not sure for what though, but not a doc. I'm too old for that. I love where I am at in life and with my marriage, but just wish we made a tad bit more money so I could go back to working a normal 40 hour week.

I Love to travel and have been around the world twice and would go again for anything. I love laying on the beach and listening to the kids talk and laugh when they think I am sleeping. And my house is often the summer gather spot as well since the kids are home with the Nanny.

I love pizza, pickles, watermelon and drinking fresh choc milk.

O my biggest accomplishement is that I taught my self how to push mow our grass this summer. :) It only took buying a new lawn mower. LOL

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answers from Washington DC on

GREAT question!! I'm also R. D :o). I am 28 and live in Maryland with my husband, 3 kids, and 2 puppies - Max and Yogi. My husband (older than I by a good amount of years) and I have been married since 2004 when our oldest was 14 months - I have never done anything the way I'm supposed to!! We have a far from perfect marriage, but at the end of the day we love each other and stick by each other more than many couples I know. As bad as some things in the past are (and they sometimes creep back up) I wouldn't change one of them because then we wouldn't be here today. My kids are my pride and joy, my reason for being. My daughter is 8 and a competitve dancer, and just as mouthy as I am :o). My 6 year old son is the kindest person anyone will ever meet, but gives the other football kids a run for their money on the field! My baby, now 4, is the clown of the family and keeps us all on our toes! He also plays football, but also enjoys picking the grass and drawing in the dirt!! I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE to take pictures. My camera is with me MOST of the time...and my kids know to turn and smile a good smile when I tell them to! Haha, poor things! I love to travel and do things with my family...this summer alone we went to National Harbor, Luray Cavers, Virginia Beach, Antietam Battle Field, and Winchester, VA. Thinking of sneaking a trip to Mt. Vernon in before August 24th. I am working on M.B.A. and that is what I do for ME. No one can make or break that but me, so I dedicate good time to doing the best I can. I HATE to garden more than anything, and my front yard (sadly) shows it right now. I love a clean house, but love to spend good quality time with my family more. I freak out quite often, but I also am getting much better at learning that the things I can't control, I just need to let go. I also love to read- I'm a huge Sandra Brown fan. I love my parents and my siblings like crazy, but don't get along so well with the inlaws. I'm conservative, and hubby is liberal. The kids and I are Lutheran and hubby is Baptist. The kids and I root for the Patriots (and whatever other jersey they like) and hubby roots for the Redskins - can you tell a pattern here? I think because my kids are 100% my world and they are always with me, they take after me. So introducing as me has to include the kiddo's because me would be a lot different without them.

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answers from New York on

I'm an ESL teacher, a student, a wife and a mother. I was 26 and 29 when I had my first two kids, 43 when I adopted my third! That's the most unconventional thing about me! other than that I am boring. Thats why I like to read R.'s posts she's not so boring :) My youngest is a sweet natured child which is good, but scary because I believe in the "easy baby difficult teen" and I will be too old to deal with a difficult teen! My oldest have moved out but still drive me insane! they are a little immature to be making their own decisions (We'll blame that on my exhusband!) but since they are almost 20 and 23 they of course are making their own decisions. I love to read. Right now I am procrastinating because I have a paper due tonight, so lets find some good questions I can respond to instead of doing my homework!

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answers from Philadelphia on

Hi everyone!
I'm 32 years old - will be 33 on Aug. 11th. I have 3 kids of my own - 10, 8 and 4. My stepson (17) lives with us and my niece (18) just moved in a week ago. My husband and I have been married for over 11 years. I got married really young and was already 4 months pregnant. Well...not everything goes according to plan.
I work full time for our local government. My husband and I take our kids to the field almost every night to play with them. We have just started taking them mini golfing and they love it.
I believe there is a God but that's about it. Even though I grew up going to church every Sunday, I'm not very religious.
I teach my kids manners. My son must hold the door like a gentleman.
I don't like tomatoes even though I love pizza sauce and spaghetti sauce. I LOVE Rita's italian ice - cotton candy flavor. I can not get enough of it. I HATE cold weather even though I'm from the north. And, I'm a HUGE animal lover.

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answers from Seattle on

I am L.. I am mother to 3 children. When I was pregnant with my first I was homeless and lived in shelter for women and children. I am now happily married with two more kids and proud of who I am. I LOVE soccer. We watch it all the time and are huge SOUNDER'S fans! Woot woot. I love to read and only sleep well if I read myself to sleep. I rarely watch movies, just don't have the time, but I do love to watch TV once the kids are in bed. I believe in God, but not in church. I am not very friendly when you first meet me because I am feeling you out. I don't have a lot of free time so I want to be sure I fill it with people I REALLY like. I give everyone *one* chance, that's it. I never sugarcoat and find that I am very opinionated.
I hate laundry. I am not too fond of cleaning the house either! lol And, truth be told, I am not a very good cook. :) Hmmm....maybe I am not a great housewife, but a great wife and mother. I am a good friend and will bend over backwards to help you if you need it.
I speak spanish, dance salsa, and am in an interracial marriage. I have always loved latin men!
I am open minded, have no issue with gay, straight, trans, liberals, republicans....heehee. I just have a problem when your closed mindedness intrudes on my open mindedness! LOL

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answers from Philadelphia on

We sound alot alike in personality..but I don't have any tatttos and don't plan on getting any.
You sound like an interesting person. I would NOT judge you personally by the tattos but how you treat others. You sound nice in my book. Yes I go to church on a fairly regular basis but going to church doesn't make you a nice person...although it can help in some cases.
I am a mom,hiker, camper, mountain biker,enjoy exercising, 43 yrs with blonde hair and blue eyes, I think I look good for my age but that is just my opinion..I do exercise on a regular basis but I think I need to loose some weight in my stomach.I really enjoy reading just about anything with the exception of anything distrubing. I love being outside. I enjoy having my kids friends over. I enjoy having pizza parties for the kids or crafts, manhunt and water fights. I also find it very gratyfying helping other people. My favorite quote is by Gandhi " Be the change you want to see in the world" I think if we all just reach out and help somebody we can all make this a happier place. I love baking and taking long bike rides. I enjoyed the last Harry Potter movie and I wish my kids had more then a month left of summer vacation.

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answers from Houston on

Hey everyone~ I'm S.. I'm a wife, mother, daughter, worker bee!

I'm 47 years young and the proud mom of two amazing kids. Shannon is 22 and a senior in college. Chase is 18 and joined the Texas National Guard three days after his 18th birthday. He is currently in Oklahoma at basic training. In January he will move back to Kentucky to go to college. We are a fun family and my kids actually like being around us! We live through movies. Its like living in the "name that movie saying".

I am married to the most wonderful man in the world. We met in a bar in college. He was drunk and I was hung over. It was NOT love at first sight. I thought he was a 40 year old perv and he thought I was about 12!! After the first date I knew he was the one. We dated 5 months and got engage and 11 months later were married! Something must have clicked because on Aug. 23, we celebrate 25 years of wedded bliss!!!! We now empty nesters!! YAY!! We took our first trip to London and Paris last year! I'm hooked. I could move to London tomorrow!!! We love to travel and have been all over the US and Dominican. I have been all over South America!

I went to college late in life and I am an HR Manager. I love my job. I am political and religious. I do not push my faith nor politics on anyone but ask me and I will have a conversation about both!

For me time I love to read. My husband says that a bomb could go off right next to me and if I'm reading won't hear a thing.

I love my life!

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answers from Dallas on

You and I aren't so different. Im unconventional yet strucsured. Im very type A and I get bent out of shape if there's a kink in my plans. I like a tight ship but love to laugh and have fun. I smoke, drink on the weekends, have tatoos and like mu music loud. My husband is from mexico and all of our freinds are mexican as well but im a country whitgirl and I don't follow their beating drum. I do love their culture and some of the music but im a alternative/punk/rock music lover through and through. My husbands ring tone is in bloom- nirvana and he said that's fine just don't tell anyone!:) I love my kids with my life and I do let them get dirty. Halloween is my favorite holiday and I look forward to it every year! I eat bad and live on diet dp and midol and I don't care. My kids drink undiluted apple juice and dr pepper and they are perfectly normal! Live and let live and first and foremost, have fun!

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answers from Toledo on

My name is B. and I have two beautiful daughters, a wonderful hubby I married in 2002, 2 fluffy ragdoll kittys and a Betta fish whose name changes daily.
I was married at 19 to my 1st husband who was mentally and physically abusive. I moved to SD to be with him in SD at the air force base. We had a rough relationship but luckily no children. We moved back in 1998 and after a year separated.
I met my 2nd hubby through mutual friends at work and were "just friends" for a while then it progressed. We married in 2002 and had our 1st daughter in 2005 and another in 2008.
I work full time, as a purchasing coordinator for a fortune 500 company in healthcare. I run reports and "special projects" that come up daily, I also assist one of the company VP's with whatever is needed.
I feel I get along with just about everyone and love to have a good time. I hate staying at home and would much rather be out doing things with my family and enjoying life..but I don’t feel that happens enough. My hubby is a homebody and it is hard to get him out of the house at times. I am a huge animal lover and enjoy helping the homeless and cancer awareness events.

I hate cooking, cleaning, can’t stand clutter, but don’t mind laundry ...weird huh?! LOL

I love movies, reading and crafts! I don't drink much mainly because of an alcoholic father.

My favorite foods are chinese and desserts!

I love to eat so you can cook for me anytime! and would LOVE to get a tattoo but scared it wont come out like how I have it envisioned in my head

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answers from Redding on

Hello, my name is T. and I'm a Mamapedia-aholic.
I got pregnant and had my first son at age 22.... I married his dad ONE week before delivery because I knew it really wasnt the right thing to do. I had my second son 11 mos after my first son and stayed married for 20 years. My ex was an alcoholic and a coke head and he died a couple of years after I divorced him. I guess I was sort of a "life support system" for him. I made the marriage work until my boys were grown. I wasnt hilariously happy, but we were good parents and raised exceptionally bright young men of which I'm very proud.
I met my current husband in 94 at work, and we got married in 2005 but it seems like we've known each other since we were children. He's a dear, but things got crazy a couple of years ago and we are dealing with bipolar 1 disorder and learning more about it every day. It's an E ticket ride for those of you that know what that means.
We have a white cat with one yellow eye and one blue eye. We manage an apartment complex for low income individuals.... and boy oh boy I can tell stories about the chaotic goings on here for days.
My husband has a daughter and a son, and we have two grandsons from my stepson that are age 5 and 7. I have two sons and a granddaughter from my youngest son, age 3.
We like to camp, we love the empty nest. We love that our kids are very independent and doing fine. Our kids give us money from time to time to help us out, and it makes us proud that they are doing so much better than we are. I think that says a lot about good parenting. Kids are supposed to be able to take care of their parents.
I love this site and really wish there would have been a resource like this back when I was a young mom. The advice and opinions here are priceless. We have a great group of women here for the most part.
We like to drink a little, dance a little, and definitely dont act our age. Our tenants love us because we are caring and compassionate and we do whatever we can to help them out. BUT, if you dont have respect for what we do here, get the heck out cuz we dont need ya ruining the compound.
I detest liars, cheaters and thieves, two faced people, people that think welfare is a job, and tweakers.

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answers from Killeen on

I love this question and all the responses :) I am S.. I am a total Texas girl. I just turned 30. I met my first husband when I was 13 and had my daughter at 17. I had a baby boy two years later and another two years after that. When I was 21 my hubbys mom died, he didnt take it very well and got depressed and into drugs. We divorced. I was a single mom for 3 years before I met my amazing husband and now I also have a stepson who we have full time. I went to nursing school but when I was done decided to be a SAHM instead. I love anything medical as well. I'm really loud but not until I get to know you. In fact, I am often called snobby by people that don't know me but Im not at all.I hate it when people are judged by the way they look or their situation so I try to never do that. I love music. I love to laugh.I am quirky and funny. I grew up dancing and thats my passion....however these days I do it mostly while cleaning house lol. I looove to cook. I hate doing dishes...and laundry for that matter. I could live off mexican food, chocolate and Dr. Pepper. I hate spaghetti and lasagna...my kids think thats crazy.

My kids are my world and I would do anything for them. They are truly amazing people. I am told I shelter my kids too much and I am overprotective but I prefer cautious. I literally agonize over every decision when it comes to them. However, I probably yell too much, get frustrated too easy sometimes. My kids eat candy, and soda and juice and chips....not all day everyday though.We probably all watch too much tv. They are totally well rounded kids that make good grades and are involved in sports. I try to teach my kids to always do the right thing and be nice to everybody even when its hard.I want them to know the value of education and independence. We
talk openly about everything here including sex. My kids know that we make the rules but we always value their opinion.

I love scary movies. I share a passion for Pretty Little Liars, and the Twilight movies with my 12 year old. In fact, I take her to the midnight showing and breakfast everytime one comes out. I like being right. I drink socially. Oh and I have absolutely no filter! I say whatever comes to mind.

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answers from Minneapolis on

OMG...HudMuffinMom...you could be (almost) my daughter in her future...minus the love of the outdoors (shes allergic to the sun, has a wonky foot since birth). She longs for a puggy or 2, but we have 2 cats, one that I swear is a pug in disguise...loves to cook but hates the clean up...shes a baker mostly right now..fancy cupcakes that put the rest of us to shame, but hubby says she cooks a mean asparagus (I wouldn't know cuz I can not stand the stuff)! She goes to an Arts High School and will end up in an Illustration/Graphic Arts program I suspect! Shes amazingly talented...for a lazy little teenage slob who lives like a troll in the basement dungeon...LOL (J/K)

Ok, so ME? 42, live in MN all my life...within 20 minutes of where I grew up actually (my brother lives in the house we grew up in...very small rambler...but raising his family there so sorta cool...half brother lives across the street from him...oldest brother lives 5 blocks from him. LOL..we don't fall far from the nest really!). I have a daughter about to turn 17, and just celebrated my 20th wedding anniversary last week.

I do home daycare (14 years)...all of my adult life has been caring for other's children. I would not know how to run a register or be in a "meeting" if you paid me a ton. Never done it! I am very active in my childcare community, got my degree last year, co-started a childcare association 4 years ago and serve as the referral coordinator and an executive board position.

I LOVE to read. I love TV. I love movies. I have seen most of the BBC America type historical mini-series (think Jane Austen type). My fave Jane Austen in book and movie is Mansfield Park. I think Vin Diesel is cheesy but sexy. Sue me. I like alot of different kinds of music. Right now (as a baby sleeps beside me and 5 others are asleep upstairs), I have Green Day and Grace Potter on. With the kids this morning we boogied to Earth, Wind and Fire. Last night I fell asleep to Michael Buble and Jack Johnson.

I can't stand asparagas, as I said, also mustard and raw onions. Also no black olives.I am actually a fairly picky eater.

I hate the outdoors mostly. Hate being hot. The older I get the more allergies and nature affects me. I do LOVE winter. I live to have the time and money to snowmobile in the mountains. We see very few females out there. I secretly love that!

I am trying to make being fit and healthy a part of my life permanantly. Its hard, but I am determined. I want muscles that stick around!

I always have a chapstick and tissue in my pocket. More in my purse. I live in comfy clothes. Levi's, sweats or yoga pants, soft tshirts and thin weight hoodies. I have the hoodies and t's in dozens of colors. I find one I like and I buy all the colors I like..sometimes doubles. Also, Smartwool socks. I hate tags and seams. I rarely have occasion to dress up any further. For when I do I have Kohls Vera Wang stuff. I am brand loyal. (Mostly just lazy to try anything else! LOL)

I am not political, religious or (ugh) a tree hugger.

But the most significant thing about me? Every day I grieve. After almost 4 years since I lost my Mom so suddenly...I still miss her so very very deeply that just typing this brings tears to my eyes. Every day is a baby step out of it.

Too much? Oh ya...I like to talk....LOL.

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answers from Orlando on

Well hellooo there! My name is C. & Im a newcomer in our town. I married a man that I dated throughout high school & have 1 beautiful daughter that I am absolutely in love with. That relationship lasted 10 years before I realized he would never change and after DUI #4 I decided to end the relationship. I had a yucky divorce but made it through. I put myself back into school & reinvented myself & thats where I met my current husband. Through him I learned that chivalry is still alive in this century! I finished college & we moved across state after he got his chiropractor license, bought a house, and after two years decided that area wasnt for us. We are now living in a prime area near where we met and the future looks brighter than ever!! My lil one starts kindergarten in 2 weeks, Im now able to be a SAHM (although I am struggling with that one still) and we've got a bun in the oven! Im every bit of what a Taurus is & can be anti-social until I get to know you (although I hate being alone & would rather sit in a coffee shop & read just to have people around me). Ive been told I have a fantastic & quick smile, I love to read, and cooking is becoming a new hobby of mine.

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answers from Lynchburg on


I am 'catwalk'...also known as michele...

Catwalk is a nic given to me YEARS ago (when home computers were pretty new...lol) and is a reference to theatrical lighting hung from a 'catwalk' on the ceiling of a theatre...

I am soon to be 52...and mostly feel in my 20's!

I have seven biological kids...same father (and I say that because MANY people ask...so it must be an important tid bit)...we have been divorced for several years...

Eldest son is 22...just graduated from college...and was commissioned and is in Ft gordon just now...then on to Kansas. Next son, 21 is a senior in college...studying history...and working full time in a healthcare environment. Next child is soon to be 21...and a rising junior in college studying vet/equine/animal science. Next son (18) is off to college this fall...and plans to study criminal justice. Next son (16) is a rising junior in HS...plays football...and is active with AF Jr ROTC. Next are 14 yo twins...both will be freshman this fall. Meg is an honor student...and loves dance...singing...theatre...and playing the flute. Her twin, shannon, has some chronic health issues and has developmental concerns...she is a JOY to all who know her...and has taught her siblings...and ME...so many lessons for life...

I had a career prior to marriage...and children...as a counselor/student staff trainer in a university setting. After third child...was able to be a stay at home mom...*toughest job I EVER LOVED*

Now, I am sub teaching...and trying to really figure out what new options I have as the next chapter in my life unfolds...may include a special ed teaching credential...maybe something in the medical realm...I am trying to keep options open...and really decide what exactly I am being 'called/led' to do.

I am so proud of all my kids...but it is time to consider what will make ME proud of ME!!

I am an avid reader, crafter/seamstress...I cook...I bake...I believe in 'organized chaos' lol...and my home reflects that!!

I am 'spiritual' yet no longer 'religious'...

I am a 'conservative' 'liberal'...

I do NOT care for sushi...I DO love animals...and we have currently two dogs (a 'labradoodle'...and a lab border collie mix) and one cat...I have decided to call the moles that have fed on my little garden 'pets' as well...so several of those...**sigh**

I have very few close friends...but many people with whom I am friendly...

I speak my mind...but try to speak respectfully...

My kids at one point had to 'ask' what a spanking was...lol...(no joke)...and took til the eldest was 4 to figure out that there WERE more channels on the TV than PBS...lol

I want a 'tat'...but have not decided IF i will...I also wanted to make a belly ring out of my engagement ring post divorce...lol...just to piss off my ex...but then realized HE would never see it!! So, the ring remains in my jewelry box...

I could go ON and ON...

But I won't!!

Great question R.!

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answers from New York on

Hi R.,
I am L.. 36 years old, mom of twins. I don't really know who I am really, but I can tell you who I am currently. A mom, a cook, a cleaner, a funny gal, a very social yet very lonely soul. I love to read. I wish I could read a lot more but I don't have time. I have under and graduate degrees that are collecting dust as we speak. I have written two books, one published. One, again, collecting dust. One of my daughter's asked me what I wanted to be when I grew up. Interesting question, as I always wanted to be an astronaut. Not like really, but to explore the unknown. I think to a degree I have: I moved to a totally foreign country and started with a backpack on my back. That is it. 12 years later I did I did alright.
I love meeting and getting to know them deeper. I love love love human nature, I love people in general. I am very loyal to a fault. I believe in afterlife. I believe our souls never die just go from a body to a body. I have to believe that, because if I don't, then it's pretty depressing to think this is it. I am not religious.
My goals are simple. To find what my purpose i this world is, and take care of my daughters best I can. Everything else does not matter.

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answers from Phoenix on

I'm J.. I'm a 32 year old SAHM. I have to admit that I don't trust people right off the bat. Like I'm wondering if I am an idiot for putting personal information on here? Before I was stalked in college I was a small town midwestern good girl with a very positive outlook and trust and faith in everyone. I felt everyone had good intentions. Thank god I went to a huge public college and learned about real life. Met my husband of 9 years there. I have only been drunk once in my life and that's when I met him. He thought I was too wild for him but liked my spunk. The next time I saw him he was very surprised to find out that I was just celebrating my college graduation. Long story short, we've been married 8 years now. We have 2 adorable children under 3 and another one on the way. We live a completely simple life in the Southwest. We don't own cell phones or cable TV but we do have a huge bouncehouse in our backyard. Personally, the grass is always greener for me. I always want to lose weight, move back to my homestate, and have more money. But, deep down I know that none of those things would/can make me as happy as I am just hanging out with my little family.

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answers from Norfolk on

Hi, R.!
Being only 2 hours away from each other we're practically neighbors!
I'll be 50 next December. I have 1 son and I married my high school sweet heart after we finished college and got jobs.
We celebrate out 22nd anniversary this summer.
I survived the Blizzard of 77 in a Buffalo, NY suburb (we had 22 foot snow drifts).
I like renaissance festivals, Star Trek conventions and Brit-coms.
I don't care for religion or politics.
Blue, purple and green are my favorite colors, hate pink and I love to putter in my garden.
My son and I both are crazy for books and we like sci-fi / fantasy and we really enjoy puns.
We all like old tv shows/movies and have most of our favorites on DVD.
We hardly watch any live tv at all.
I like quiet - I enjoy hearing the birds sing, crickets chirp and thunder storms.
I don't need to be part of a herd and crowds make me nervous (I was in a riot once when the Buffalo Bills broke a long losing streak to the Miami Dolphins and I watched a crazed crowd tear a stadium to pieces - I've never been comfortable in a crowd since then).
I won't tolerate drama from anyone.
I hate okra (too slimey) but I love clams/oysters on the half shell (go figure).
I've very lucky to be able to work from home - I just received an award for 25 years of service in the IT industry (I was a Cobol programmer for 15 year then became a Business Analyst when my programming job was off-shored. Now I help to manage a lot of off-shored jobs and work with people on 4 continents).
I love animals but don't own any.
I love being a Mom/Wife and I'm happiest when we're all together - it makes no difference what we're doing.

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answers from Richmond on

be very careful about introducing yourself (as you truly see yourself) to the people around you, especially to men, because, lets face it, men are dogs, ( i have my other half's permission to say that) when a woman says "i have tatoos"men think "sexual gymnast", when a woman says, "young mother", men think, "serious sexual gymnast", so just be careful what you reveal, because you dont want the elderly male neighbor that lives down the street camped out on your doorstep, because he wants to know just where all your tatoos are.more later, baby needs me
K. h.

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