Changing Schools: Medela

Results 1-10 from 185 articles

Medela Freestyle or PIS

J.K. asks from Dallas

First time Mom looking for recommendation on whether to purchase a Medela Freestyle pump or a Pump in Style? I like that the Freestyle allows you to walk around etc....


Safe to Microwave Medela Breast Pump Parts to Sterilize?

L.L. asks from Minneapolis

I sterilize my breast pump parts in this special plastic bag made by Medela that you put a tiny bit of water in and then put it in the microwave for 3 minutes. Last ...


New Breastfeeding Mom Going Back to Work

M.K. asks from Salt Lake City

I am a new mom of a 3 week old boy which I am currently breastfeeding. But I plan on going back to work here in about a week or two and I will be working about 7 to 8...


"Im New at Parenting and I Need a Little Advice Please"

B.C. asks from Dallas

7 months ago, I had my first child! She is my angel. And for the past 7 months i have been a stay at home mom. I need to go back to school and work but there is 1 pro...


Seeking a Reccomendation on a Breast Pump

C.R. asks from San Diego

Hello mommies. My daughter just turned one month old today and I think it's time to start pumping. I intend to breastfeed the majority of the time but I'm beginning...


Giving Breast Pump to a Friend, Problem?

J.B. asks from Houston

I have a friend who is 9 months pregnant and I told her she could have my breast pump. It is a Medela, inside a black bag, it is like 6 yrs old but I turned it on to...


Buying Bigger Bottles???

D.H. asks from Miami

I'm sure that I am overanalyzing everything, but here goes... My daughter is almost 5 1/2 months old. We have been breastfeeding exlusively although I'm pretty sure...


Best Bottle for Breastfed Baby

M.G. asks from Columbus

Hi mommas! My son is 3 months old and I exclusively breastfeed. Since he was a month old I have given him a bottle (of breast milk) every once in a while (mai...


Baby Due Soon- Looking for Tips on Breastfeeding and Pumping

L.E. asks from Milwaukee

Hello all- I am due in a couple of weeks and am looking for tips on breastfeeding, pumping and getting the baby to take abottle. I have heard that many newborns don...


What Breast Pump Is the Best?

J.B. asks from Las Vegas

Hi! I am looking for advice on what breast pump works the best. I am pregnant with my 2nd child and want a good quality pump. I had the manual Advent Isis hand pump a...