Budget: Infant, Ergo

Results 1-10 from 50 articles

Ergo vs Beco

C.J. asks from Chicago

Hello, I am interested in purchasing either a Beco or Ergo carrier for my 21 month old. He weighs about 26 lbs. I suffer from shoulder pain and am curious about pros ...


Best Infant Sling for Short Moms

M.M. asks from Los Angeles

I'm about to have my second baby any day and am looking for a recommendation on the best sling or wrap-type carrier (not a basic Baby Bjorn-type front carrier) to use...


Baby Gift

M.C. asks from Las Vegas

Hi everyone! My good friend is having her 3rd baby in June. She has a daughter (8) and a son (5). She's having another boy. She isn't having a baby shower but I w...


What Do You Really Need for an Infant?

L.L. asks from Hartford

So it's been 8 years since I last had a baby to care for. I am expecting again and am at a loss for what I really need and trying to prioritize. I have looked at many...


Travel to LAX with 2 Yr Old Twins and Infant-flight and Car Seat ?S

S.Y. asks from Portland

We are traveling by air to LA for the 1st time with our 2yr old twins and 8mo old infant (her age in Oct. when we travel). I talked to Alaska Air and they said we can...


Recommend Your Baby Sling/wrap

L.K. asks from Boise

We're due with our second child this summer and with our first I used a Baby Bjorn but it really hurt my back. I'm wondering if there are other, more comfortable ways...


Baby Carrier or Sling?

S.M. asks from Dallas

I work at home and I am going to back to work on Tuesday after being out on maternity leave. My son will be 6 weeks old on Tuesday. He really likes to be held a lot s...


Baby Sling Advice

M.S. asks from Stationed Overseas

I'm 8 1/2 months pregnant now and doing tons of research on just about everything that has to do with babies. I want to purchase a sling, but there are so many out th...


Baby Supplies - What Saved You Money and Time

C.Z. asks from Omaha

i know this question was asked not long ago and was somewhat different. I am going to my SIL baby shower in November and I am wondering what would save her the mo...


Advice Needed for Daycare Facilities, Baby Shopping , Birthing Classes Etc

S.K. asks from Minneapolis

Hi moms, I have a few questions regarding planning certain things for my baby.I am now in my 5th month. I don't have many friends here who have babies , so it woul...