Bottom Teeth: Toddler, Aveeno

Results 61-70 from 83 articles

Diaper Rash

K.R. asks from New York

My one year old has a REALLY bad diaper rash (her 1st bad rash).... What could have caused it, but more importantly what is the BEST treatment? I have A&D and we hav...


Im a Walking Pacifier, Help! I'm Also Needing Advice with Weening Frm Co-sleepin

A.P. asks from Stationed Overseas

I'm nursing exclusively only because my baby will NOT take a bottle. My daughter is almost 7 weeks old and refuses any bottle or pacifier. When she needs soothing, I'...


Thank You!

K.R. asks from Boston

Thank you so much for all the great advise. Very happy to be a member of mamasource. Dillon's rash is getting better with Ammens powder. I will remeber all the gre...


Diaper Rash Relief Help

J.H. asks from New York

My son (21 months old) developed the worse diaper rash I have ever seen. It looks like he slid down a concrete driveway with no diaper. It is very red and hurts to th...


Bleeding Diaper Rash

C.B. asks from Minneapolis

As I was changing my son (7 months old) tonight right before bedtime, I noticed that all of a sudden he has a major diaper rash. So bad, in fact, that it was even ra...


Can Prolonged Use of Hydrocortisone Cream Affect Growth of Child?

M.L. asks from San Diego

Hello moms. My 18 month old boy has chronic eczema since he was 6 months old and have been using a hydrocortisone cream prescribed by our pediatrician. We have been ...


Need Help with Dry Cracked Hands!!

C.M. asks from Houston

Hi Moms, I need some suggestions on a good hand cream or lotion to relieve dry cracked hands! I am a mom of a beatiful 19 month old son, and have a great husband ...


Kid's Shampoo

J.L. asks from Chicago

Hi Moms, My five year old DD has very long hair down past her waist. I love her hair and so does she but of course can't stand it when we have to comb it out...Al...


Baby Eczema

D.P. asks from Phoenix

I am looking for natural ways to treat my babies eczema...he has it on his face and behind knees. He gets frustrated and I can tell he is in pain. He tries to itch h...


Bleeding Diaper Rash

S.F. asks from Chicago

Any suggestions on how to cure a diaper rash? My twin boys have had an on and off again rash for the past 3 months. I have contacted my doctor and he finally prescrib...