I am so sorry for your loss. I cannot believe that anybody would tell you that your boys are fine if they went through that kind of trumatic event. Yes we do hope that we get over stuff like that but trama sticks with you for life. My aunt 28 and her daughter 4 were murdered and it took me a long time to get over that and I wasn't even there. I was a teenager at the time and I wasn't even sure of my emotions and how to handle it. I had been through a lot of other really painful experiences through my child and pubscence. My family didn't believe in counseling you just get over the bad stuff. Well I finally did get over it, but it took drastic changes in my life to make that happen. I joined the army and I got my anger out that way. I'm not suggesting the army, but I am suggesting other healthy activties. Maybe something they can participate in that interests them. Sports, rock climbing, something so they are not just sitting and thinking about it. Maybe they can go to a grief camp this summer... But I would defintely suggest you look into a therapist that will understand your families needs. SOme good family counseling so you guys can work out your issues.
Oh and I don't know if this applies but fyi....you are still their mother...DOnt think you have to give in to them because of that tragic event. Get them to respect you so they will respect others.