Hi M.,
Four year olds can test us to the limit for sure! Please do not resort to spanking. I am a BIG fan of Naomi Aldort's "Raising our Children, Raising Ourselves."
One way she addresses acting out like that is to give each child a set amount of one on one time at the same time each day (best in the am if possible).
So if your 14 month old doesn't wake up until 8am and your 4 year old wakes up at 7:30, if it is possible to set aside 10 minutes each morning at 7:45 and tell your 4 year old that it is his time with you and he can pick anything to do (play a game, read a book, color, etc). Then you give him your 100% attention during that time - no phone calls, no tv, no computer, no telling HIM how to play, or the rules of the games, or how to color in the lines properly, or correcting what he is doing during "his time" (as long as it doesn't go against the house rules).
Also, when he is acting out instead of automatically saying - if you don't do what I'm telling you to do you will be punished", she gives you the "SALVE" formula- which is best explained in the book but basically you listen to the child and when the child is allowed to express himself, he is more willing to do what you are asking - he just wants his voice to be heard.
Believe it or not after a few days he will stop acting out (typically a sign he is not getting enough attention one on one or some other issue he has is not being addressed).