My spouse and I are not big fans of the Santa myth, and we are not planning to do the whole Santa thing or to perpetuate the myth. Anyone else out there decide not to...
I recently joined a neighborhood playgroup with three other moms. All the kids are roughly 2.5 years old - two boys and two girls (my daughter is one of the girls)....
Stacey's post on "toddler belly" prompted me to wonder if kids should have regular blood work done as part of their physicals. I've asked my doc and all she said was...
There are a couple of little girls on our block, one is five and the other is eight. They come over to invite my son to play at their house. They usually play nicel...
I've written about this before, but I just can't bring myself to like my brother's new girlfriend. I keep trying, and trying, but I just wish she (and her kids) would...
Have you ever given your kids hand me down gifts from Santa? I'm asking becuase my husband and I bought a really good outdoor house for our children (used for 2 years...
My kids and my husband are really into science (kids are 4 and 6). The father's day present I ordered isn't going to make it here by Sunday, so I want to get an acti...
I have 3 girls ages 5 1/2, 4 and 1 1/2. Awesome kids but they are in the phase of tattling. I was also in a family with 2 other sisters so you know what they say...w...
Curious what's your budget per kid. We usually don't have one because by husband is very generous. We sometimes disagree as I want my kids to appreciate things and as...
Hi Moms,
Hoping you guys can help me out once again! We do not have access to television programming, we only have DVD/VHS capability. I want to buy my kids some m...