My 10 yo son has a rather large wart on the back of his hand. I took him to the Dr. hoping he would burn it off, but just used the same over the counter spray I could...
She has plantar wart but is it going away? There are just little black spotts clustered together. I have went to the doctor and they used liquid nitrogen twice and he...
My son is getting a pretty big wart on the back of his middle finger. I am wondering if it is something I should get checked out and treated or if it is best left alone.
Hello. Last summer my daughter got what I thought was maybe a callous on the top of her right baby toe. It basically ran from just below the nail to where her toe m...
My 6 year old daughter has a wart above her upper lip...her pediatrician said to get wart remover and that should do...but all of the wart removers indicate DO NOT US...
I have had a wart in the palm of my hand for as I can remember a year or 2 i have used over counter medication which I don't know is working i Keep it on then file it...
my 3 yr old daughter just recently got a wart on her thumb and i was just wondering if anyone knows what i can treat it with or do u think i should make an appointmen...
Hello ladies!!
I just noticed yesterday my 3 1/2 year old has a planter wart on her foot... I know she will not keep the OTC meds on her foot, what would you guys do...
hi ladies. have something a little weird that i cannot find a single thing on the internet for. yesterday i noticed on the underside of my middle finger i had a lit...
Hi Everyone,
I was just wondering if anyone has a child with mulluscum. It's a viral infection of the skin. My nephew had it last year and now my daughter has it...