I have been using this spray woolite cleaner on the carpet when our new puppy gets away from us and pees on the carpet. I think this product is bleaching the carpet b...
I'm about to get a futon from my in laws and I need to get all the dog hair off the mattress cover before it comes into my house to be washed because my son is allerg...
I need help! My son is almost 3 months old and I don't know what to do about him. He CRIES alomst ALL DAY. I know there is nothing wrong with him b/c we have him o...
I need some help. My 3 year old had a major accident on my new carpet last night and I can't get it out. We are talking about a huge spot and then footprints across...
Hi all - I could use your advice on how to get throw-up smell out of car upholstery and carpets. I have leather seats and normal car carpet. I cleaned up with soap...
Hi, I need some major help. I have two dogs and I am trying to sell my house. My one dog has occasionally peed on the floor and we have cleaned it up as quick as po...
My husband has a small sofa in his office and our yellow lab has made it into her bed!! :) Her white hair is everywhere and I have now laid a blanket over it but can...
Hi everyone I want to buy a carpet cleaner & I don't klnow which one to buy there are so many out there. I have my carpets cleaned every 5-6 months I thought instead ...
So over the weekend my son threw up on the carpet. I cleaned up all I could and then followed that with scrubbing with carpet cleaner. After all of that could still s...
My house is in a neverending cycle of chaos and clutter. There never seems to be enough time and energy to keep things clean enough with a full time job outside the ...