My grandson is 5 years old and is afraid to sit on the toilet. He things he will be flushed down. He urinates just fine but wears a pull up for elimating his bowel....
My daughter who is 3 has been potty trained at home for about two months. When she first needed to go she asked and we took her and that was that. The problem is at...
What part of housecleaning do you loathe the most? I could do away with all of it, but generally my bathrooms and kitchen are clean, my floors are swept, and the clut...
I cannot seem to find a product that works well for the black stuff that in on the floor of my shower. What do you use that works well and doesn't smell like it's bur...
I just wonder if it's possible to clean the dark line on the toilet bowl, where the water level arises. I tried scrubbing using a sponge and different liquid pr...
I am in the process of potty training my 3 yr old son and we are finally making some progress. When we went to the gym tonight he announced he had to go potty, which...
So my 2.5 year old daughter is starting to make progress in the pee department, which is awesome! However, she will not sit on a regular sized toilet, only her potty...
i can not get a stain around the edge of the water in my toilet and the base of the bowl, i've scrubbed and scrubbed and wont come out. ive tried those lysold scru...
My son is almost 4 and will go potty on his own #1 and #2 but is terrified to pee standing up. His fathers takes him with him and all his cousins do it so he has bee...
Hello ladies, I have a 3 yo girl who was potty trained shortly after her 2nd birthday. My question to you is this, when were your DAUGHTERS able to wipe themselves a...