My son has had excema since he was a baby and he is now 32 months and still has some very bad flare-ups which he'll scratch and make into open sores. Then when I use...
My oldest is four and he's almost constantly sick. He usually has a runny nose and cough and gets really sick about once every six weeks or two months. This hasn't ...
My step daughter who is 9 years old has Asbergers Syndrome. Although she has a few "quirks" about her she is a sweet little girl. Because of her Asbergers her skin is...
I had to pick up my daughter from daycare this afternoon because my daughter had a progressive fever of 99.5 to 101.7 degrees. I immediately took her to the doctor an...
My 4 y/o son was born with craddle cap and turned into very bad eczema all over his body to a point where he just itch all over at times. I have put socks on his hand...
My son is only a year old and has had at least four or five ear infections. Omoxocillin hasn't worked so now Cefdinar is what's usually prescribed by our doctor. This...
She's had eczema since 3 months. We've tried everything any doctor instructs. Nothing has helped. I'm currently working with a chemist who is trying to formulate a pr...
I am expecting our first child in march and have heard that there is a special laundry detergent for washing the baby clothes. I have never seen it at the store and ...
My 3year old daughter has Eczema on the top of her hands. Some days are worse than others. Right now I'm using regular fragrance free hand creams. I'm afr...