I suffer from anxiety disorder as well. I guess thinking back it did get more pronounced after my second child, but I relate it more to the mounting responsibilities. I always had a mild anxiety problem, but in the past five years I have taken anxiety meds. I originally saw a counselor because I just didn't want to be one of the pill popping people that has to rely on meds to cope. I had also suffered severe panic attacks. Most often when there were circumstances that make me nervous like flying or heights, but sometimes for no reason at all.
I have noticed that the anxiety is worse when I haven't gotten enough sleep and/or when I have caffeine. I tried several all natural remedies, making sure I had no caffeine and got enough sleep. While for some people this solves the problem, unfortunatley for me it didn't. After living with this "problem" for several years, I finally had to take inventory of my life and decide what I wanted my quality of life to be. I didn't let the anxiety stop me from doing things, even the worst offenders like flying or being on the ferris wheel (heights), but it was a struggle and I was becoming increasingly unhappy. It took a while to find an anti-anxiety script that worked for me. I am sure you've seen the commercials and know there are several meds out there, but I actually sat down and spoke with a doctor and learned how the various meds actually work differently in the body. I didn't want weight gain, nor did I want to feel "fuzzy". I didn't want my emotions so dulled that I didn't "react" to life. We found something that just took the edge off. Not only did it help with the anxiety/panic issue, but it helped over all. I can tell that I am more relaxed (not lazy and letting things get piled up), I have more patience with my children, the little things that really used to get on my last nerve just don't seem to anymore. I am able to chose my "battles" with the kids, spouse, etc. with a more levelhead.
I won't mislead you. I tried Paxil and I gained a bit of weight plus was content to sit around and do nothing all the time, too much calm. Another Exfexor (sp) just made me feel disconnected ("fuzzy"). But I have had great success with Celexa (sp). Where this may not be the case for everyone, if you really take inventory and are honest with yourself - you may find it is something you can get through or if you feel your quality of life (and that of your family) would improve with some medication then don't hesitate. I suffered for a long time before I felt comfortable getting help for this issue. I regret not having done it sooner as I think I missed out on a lot of things or was there, but not totally in the moment. Whether I was clicking off a list of things to do in my head or just having a flat out panick attack I wasn't able to experience what was going on.
What Diane said is so true. If you have never experienced it you just don't understand. I too would get dizzy and faint, sweat all over and feel like I couldn't breath - that was a panic attack and they were horrible to experience, especially trying to keep it from the people around you who just didn't get it!!! Let go of the self doubt! You are not going crazy! I told my husband I know you don't understand it, but just accept that it is what it is. He may not understand why I am having a panick attack (hell most times I didn't either), but just accept that when I tell you I need a minute to be understanding to my needs - handle the kids for a moment or ask if there's anything you can do (although there isn't at least he was supportive).
Feel free to contact me if you want to talk further. Best of luck to you and yours!