You need to get him a lotion called Renew, made by Melaleuca. It is clinically proven to treat Eczema...and it really works. It is natural and safe, not like the steroid creams or ointments you may have tried. My husband uses it daily, and the terrible eczema he used to have all over his back and legs went away after just 3 days. It is just a moisturizing lotion so it is safe to be used all the time. As you probably know, eczema is the result of an allergy, and an allergist would probably tell you that it is like asthma of the skin. That's the way it was described to me anyway. Eczema will keep coming back so you need to use the lotion regularly, but it is the best thing out there (clinically proven).
In addition, Melaleuca offers over 300 products that they make that are safer for your home and your family. Your family would really benefit from switching brands from whatever you use now to Melaleuca's brands. Many people with allergies have wonderful results from converting their homes to Melaleuca's products.
There are many moms who belong to this group who are Melaleuca customers and are building businesses with Melaleuca, so I know you will get lots of replies about the Renew. Everyone will say to contact them to learn how to become a customer...the only way you can become a customer is if someone who is currently a customer helps sign you up. It is simple to do and any of the moms in this group can help you. Don't be wary or afraid that it is something strange...it is just a great company that manufactures the best quality products you can buy, and they just so happen to have exactly what you need for your son. Don't worry that you will have to buy the products from one of the moms here...that's not how it works...you'll be able to shop right online directly with the company.
I am one of the moms who is building a business with Melaleuca, and of course I'd love to be the one to introduce you to their amazing products. But the most important thing is not which one of us you choose to sign up with, but that you do trust one of us enough to really look into what they have to offer, because I know from experience that the Renew lotion will change your sons life. It is not fun living with eczema.
So look for all of the requests that come in to have you hear about Melaleuca. Many of them won't use the word Melaleuca, but if they talk about safer, healthier products for your home and how you wouldn't have to buy anything from them, you can be pretty sure they are talking about Melaleuca. Pick a mom that you feel comfortable with and spend some time on the phone with her hearing about this amazing company. I promise it won't be a waste of your time.
And just in case you would feel comfortable talking to me about it, I am...
D. zu Hone