pregnant month after miscarriage

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Possible Miscarriage

W.H. asks from Dallas

I need some help. I took a pregnancy test yesterday because I was late and it showed I was pregnant. I was cramping like I was going to start but never started I did ...


Concieving After Miscarriage

A.J. asks from Minneapolis

I had a miscarriage last week. I was only 5 weeks along so I was really disappointed but not devistated. My question is to any of you who have gone through this is ...


Miscarriage and Now Pregnant I Think

M.T. asks from Boston

I had a miscarriage in December at only 6 weeks. My OBGYN stated that because it was early they consider it to be like a late period and that my body should go bac...


Miscarriage Advice

J.F. asks from Los Angeles

I am the mom of two healthy children and have had a second trimester miscarriage with my third pregnancy. Both my little ones were born via C-section. What should I e...


Miscarriage and D&C

M.Y. asks from Los Angeles

I was 8 weeks pregnant and unfortunately had a miscarriage 3 days ago. I started off with spotting and now three days later is finally getting a big heavier passing c...


TTC After Miscarriage

N.I. asks from New York

My husband and I are going to start TTC after having two miscarriages. The first two times we got pregnant within a few months. This time I am taking baby asprin an...


Daughter and Miscarriage

D.V. asks from Des Moines

My daughter had a miscarriage recently at about 7wks. she is an avid exerciser runs half marathons does aerobics and leads classes and is a vegetarian, during her pre...


Am I Having a Miscarriage on Nuvaring??

B.P. asks from Jackson

I have two children, the oldest is 5. I've never had a miscarriage so I am not familiar with the symptoms. I've been on nuvaring for about 7 months and each month I w...


Missed Miscarriage

S.K. asks from Cleveland

i was 14 wks preg and i just found out that i have a missed miscarriage. my dr wants me to wait through the weekend to see if my body will expell everything on it's o...


Miscarriage Questions

N.S. asks from Chicago

Hi there Mamas! I have some questions for any of you who have experienced what I'm going through. I am at the tail end (I hope) of what was confirmed as a miscarria...

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