I miscarried my first pregnancy at about 8 weeks and decided to let my body handle it naturally. After almost 3 months of on and off spotting/bleeding I finally did have a D&C. The procedure was icky, but I felt better afterwards when things got back to normal. During the time I waited I had ugly acne and really didn't feel good, at least some of the time I still felt "pregnant".
Then I miscarried my second pregnancy, again at about 8/9 weeks. This one happened completely by itself in about 3 days. I could tell the difference because of the amount of blood and clots and by the fact that I felt so much better right after.
My third pregancy is now 8 years old!
You don't need to decide to have a D&C immediately unless your doctor can explain why in your case that might be necessary. My doctor was very comfortable letting me decide when and if I wanted to have the procedure.