pregnant month after miscarriage

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Need Strength After Miscarriage

T.R. asks from Chicago

Hi moms. I just suffered my 4th miscarriage (3rd in a row after second daughter was born). I have been going to a fertility clinic and had been diagnosed with low p...


Seeking Advice on Dealing with a Miscarriage

T.W. asks from Monroe

I became pregnant with our 3rd child and carried that baby for 10 weeks. The doctor wasn't sure if he saw the heartbeat. He thought that he had, but he asked that I...


Need Support After Late Miscarriage

S.K. asks from Lancaster

I recently had a missed miscarriage. I thought I was 14.5 weeks along, but the baby died around 11-12 weeks. We had already had our 11 week appt. where I heard the ...


Immune System Diseases and Miscarriage

L.S. asks from Sherman

I found out last week that I was pregnant and we were very excited. I started bleeding Monday evening and a doctor's visit on Tuesday confirmed that I was no longer ...


Miscarriage and D&C, Scared and Nervous

V.P. asks from Rapid City

I took a home test on July 5 and it was positive. On July 18th I started spotting nothing really heavy, (like a light period) went in on Monday for a u/s, my doctor t...


I'm Pregnant Again

L.W. asks from Springfield

I have a handsome one year old boy. Last week I found out that I am pregnant again.....already. I wasn't planning on trying again until he was at least two. My hus...


House Guest After Miscarriage??

J.J. asks from Phoenix

Hello. I recently had a miscarriage. On June 16th my husband and I along with our 16 month old daughter went to our 12 week ultrasound appointment. We found out th...


Pregnancy Afer a Miscarriage

A.L. asks from Chicago

Hi Moms, Need a little support here. Last year around this same exact time I found out I was pregnanat. There was some bleeding, the doc did some tests but everyth...


Seeking Advice What to Do After a Miscarriage and Having PCOS

A.H. asks from Oklahoma City

This is such a personal thing to have happen to me, but I thought I would share this story to get some support. Some of you know that I have pcos(polycystic ovary syn...


Weight Loss After a Miscarriage

R.L. asks from New York

I'm not really sure where to post this, but I'll start here. I had a miscarriage at 15 weeks. It's been 5.5 weeks since I had a D&C. 1 week after the D&C I started we...

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