pregnant month after miscarriage

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Early Miscarriage

J.M. asks from Cincinnati

I was wondering what everyone's opinions are on the newest pregnancy tests on the market. (The ones that say they can detect HCG levels five days before missed perio...


Missed Miscarriage

I.M. asks from Los Angeles

Hi- I was 9 weeks pregnant and just found out I had a "missed misscarriage". Baby heartbeat at 7 weeks, and now none. I don't really have a question- other than to se...


Comforting Someone Feeling Guilty About Miscarriage

C.R. asks from Visalia

My sister and her husband have never tried to have children, for various reasons it just wasn't a goal. But about a month ago my sister, who didn't even know she was ...


Possible Miscarriage

M.G. asks from Athens

Hi, I found out I was pregnant last Friday by taking a home pregnancy test. I actually took 4 just to make sure! This was great news because my husband and I want t...


Needing Some Advice..... Miscarriage, Child Spacing

S.R. asks from Sacramento

Hey Mommies, I am sure everything that I am feeling/going through are normal but I am feeling so down and hoping some experiences can help me. My son is three and w...


Very Early Miscarriage–do I Still Need to Wait to Try Again?

A.D. asks from Philadelphia

I recently had a very early miscarriage (started at less than 5 weeks). Because it started only a few days after getting a positive pregnancy test, my husband and I a...


How Long Does It Take for Cycle to Return After Miscarriage?

J.K. asks from Indianapolis

I had excessive bleeding and went to the doctor only to find out that I had miscarried. This was on July 7. I still have not gotten my period back. How long should...


Miscarriage Coming----

M.S. asks from San Francisco

Hi Everyone, I am going through an emotional roller coaster right now. Currently I am a 8 weeks pregnant and was told that I will most likely miscarry soon. I had ...


Abdominal Cramping in 1St Trimester - Miscarriage?

P.W. asks from San Francisco

My sister-in-law just got pregnant after years of trying. She's maybe 1 month to 6 weeks along. She has a dr. appt. on Monday, but I just talked to her and she's ha...


Conception After Miscarriage

H.D. asks from Topeka

I had a d&c on Dec 18th after finding out that my baby stopped developing at 6 weeks. I would have been 9 weeks. So the holidays were pretty grim at my house. But I'v...

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Answer Highlights

  • hear about your loss in 2 answers "Hi JK, I am so sorry to hear about your loss."
  • missed your period in 2 answers "... even though it's maybe better to wait til a week after you missed your period ..."
  • will keep you in my prayers in 2 answers "Hope this helps and good luck. I will keep you in my prayers."
  • dont know what to say in 2 answers "It is hard when people don't know what to say and so they say things that aren't helpful ..."
  • your body is ready in 2 answers "... as day one of your next cycle and just keep trying. If your body is ready ..."