I have talked to my doctor but I wanted to get feedback from someone who may have been through this. I have been having contractions off and on for several days Sunda...
I am about 7 weeks pregnant with my third child and find myself to be overcome with grouchiness. I am irritable and snap at my family and friends for no reason. I s...
I just took a pregnancy test and it came out positive. I have a hair appointment tonight to get my hair highlited. Has anyone heard whether it is ok to still have m...
I am 27 years old and have a 3.5 year old daughter. After I had my daughter I had the Marina IUD put in. I had it removed in April of last year and right when it wa...
I am scared that my baby will have a birth defect because I was taking medications lyrica, ultram and vicodin. I did not know that I was pregnant so I took these meds...
Hi Mom's,
I am absolutely petrified and besides myself and after getting home from a doc appt today, I needed to write just to see if I could more assurances from y'...
Added info: I have a 9 year old who goes to school from 8 to 3pm; a 24 month toddler with me at home except two days at a mother's day out type of program (that's the...
I am 23 weeks along with our second baby. We found out it is a boy this time and we are very excited. I remember, carrying Sophie, how GREAT I felt second trimester....
I'm ranting about this today because I'm tired of people telling me my due date is wrong. I get that it's an estimate. But I'm tired of people staring at me and asses...
I had my last depo shot in June of 2006 and was told it could take a few months for my body to get back to normal. Here were are over a year and a half later and no p...