Yes, you can get hired when you are pregnant but in all honestly... if you are not clearly the most qualified candidate, they will hire the person who won't be out soon after starting. If you are the best candidate, they will hire you with the knowledge that you will be out for 8 weeks.
Just a couple of things to consider...
- daycare is very expensive so really look at your potential income vs. your "costs"
- school positions are great with respect to hours, flexibility and benefits but in this economy TA positions are very "expendable" so make sure that a position is a long-standing opportunity, not something created for a single child (per their IEP) or newly created.
- do not disclose your pregnancy at the interview... if it's "obvious", they will figure it out. If it's not then share the news after they have made an offer. You can always say "no" to an offer.
- general rule of thumb when interviewing... "answer the question that is asked completely, but without expanding on the actual point of the question".
Remember too that with public employees, you are entitled to FMLA (12 weeks), but ONLY if you have been with the district for a year, which does not apply to you. You will be entitled to 6 or 8 weeks of leave, but you will only receive a paycheck equivalent with your sick time balance. If you get 10 "sick days", you will get paid for 2 weeks of your leave, meaning that the remaining weeks will be unpaid.
Do a monthly budget and figure out whether or not there is a financial gain with you working. Are both of your other children in school full time? If not, factor in daycare for all who will need it. Will you be working full time with full benefits? If so, is it cheaper than benefits through your husband (in many cases it is), so factor that in too.