My 2 year old son has recently started whining when he doesn't get his way. He will throw himself on the ground and throw a tantrum if my husband and I don't give hi...
I never thought I would have such a hard time being a stay at home mom, but here I am and I need to find some way to discuss my issues and get feedback. I am looking...
Wondering if I'm crazy or not alone in feeling this way!! My son had baseball yesturday and I feel like some of the parents, especially the moms, are already startin...
I overheard one of my bosses referring to me as "What's her face". What the heck. I've heard her do it to other people as well so I'm trying not to take it personal...
i have a three year old girl that has a very bad additude problem she does not listen to nobody. she acts up in public and in the house hold, it her way or the high w...
My daughter is 2 1/2 and back talks a lot. I am not sure how to discipline her for this or how much she truly understands when I try to correct her and explain to her...
I'm a 29 year old mommy of two beautiful girls...3 1/2 and 1 month old. I'm looking to make some new "mommy" friends. I live in Joliet near Shorewood/Plainfield. I...
My children are all straight A stundents - but the only way to get them to clean is to yell.... I wont do this everyday - I know there has to be another w...
My 5 year old daughter has a really bad attitude and she can't get along with any of her friends. Things have to be her way or she gets really angry and sometimes she...
I cannot stop worrying about my children. No matter what the situation, I am constantly worrying. My mind goes to the worst case scenerio, and I really want to stop t...