Hi all. My youngest child is 20 months old and does not really talk. He says a handful of things. He can say DaDa and Ma and his older brothers name and maybe about ...
We have a 20 year old son who decided to leave college, move back home and work full time at my family's business. He is not planing on going back to school in the f...
Please help. My kitty is 20. He just lays around. He can still jump on the sofa and does cuddle sometimes. He does eat but with difficulty. He can only rarely go up a...
I need some advice on my 20 months old son. He still doesn't sleep through the night. I'm not sure why. I weaned him of the breast a couple weeks ago. The first t...
My son (20 1/2 months) is not talking and I don't know if I should worry or not. According to all the online resources and magazines I read, kids his age should be s...
I have a beautiful, otherwise healthy 20 month old son who will not speak. He has said a few words (mama, dada, shoes, even banana once) in the past and still will s...
My husband's boss just bought a huge condo in Miami and is offering to let us stay there for a week in July. I have never been to Florida and I am sooooo e...
My son is 5 1/2 months old and is a terrible sleeper. For over 3 months he woke up every single hour every night, and we got in a routine where I would "boob him" bac...
About 3 weeks after losing a baby at 20 weeks, I decided to start taking my BBT just to see if I could start tracking ovulation. My temperature was consistent at 97.7...